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Conroe Creosoting Company

This former wood treating site in Montgomery County is in the Operation and Maintenance phase of the federal Superfund program.

Site Summary

The Conroe Creosoting federal Superfund Site (Site) is a 147-acre former wood treating facility in Conroe, Montgomery County, Texas. Wood-treating operations took place at the site from 1946 to 1997. Facility activities and waste management practices contaminated soil, sediment and groundwater with hazardous chemicals. Following construction of the site’s remedy, operation and maintenance activities are ongoing.

National Priorities Listing (NPL) History

In September 2002, the EPA started a time-critical removal action of on-site structures and soils. All the contaminated material, soils, sediments, and solidified wastes were placed inside an on-site Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) vault.The site was proposed for NPL inclusion on April 30, 2003, and included on the NPL on September 22, 2003. The Record of Decision (ROD), signed on September 29, 2003, established the selected remedy for the site, which included monitored natural attenuation of the contaminants in the ground water, no further action for the on-site soils and offsite sediments, long-term maintenance of the RCRA vault, and placement of institutional controls. On August 29, 2008, the EPA determined that the site was ready for commercial/industrial reuse as long as the requirements specified in the ROD were met.

Current Status

The long-term remedy included monitored natural attenuation of groundwater contaminants, no further action for on-site soils and off-site sediments, long-term maintenance of an on-site Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) vault, and institutional controls. The TCEQ is responsible for all operation and maintenance (O&M) activities at the Site.

On [date], in Volume [XX], Page [XX] of the Texas Register, TCEQ published a Notice of Opportunity to Comment on a Settlement of Environmental Claims under the Texas Health and Safety Code regarding the Conroe Creosoting federal Superfund site. You may download a copy of the draft Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Certain Response Action Activities by Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser referenced in the Notice.

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