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Harkey Road

This former residential property in Brazoria County was contaminated with lead, believed to be from lead-acid battery chips used as fill for low areas. The site was remediated under the state Superfund program and no further Superfund environmental response actions are required.

Site Summary

The property covers approximately 2/3 acre at 17111 Harkey Road near Pearland in Brazoria County. Lead-acid battery chips were used as backfill at this residence. Between August 2000 and January 2001 the TCEQ conducted an investigation that indicated there were lead impacts to the soils and the shallow groundwater.

Superfund Registry and Remedial Investigation

The TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry in April 2001 and began the remedial investigation in May. Results from the investigation showed that groundwater met federal drinking water standards. 


In July – August 2001, the TCEQ conducted a removal action which consisted of excavating, stabilizing, and disposing of lead-contaminated soils off-site at a permitted landfill. Excavations were backfilled with clean soil and grass was replanted. In January 2002, the TCEQ also conducted a removal action that addressed contaminated soils on adjacent properties.

Current Status

After the removal actions, the site no longer presented an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health and safety or the environment.

This site was deletedfrom the registry in 2002. No further Superfund environmental response actions are required.

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