Woodward Industries, Inc.
The TCEQ has Deleted this Site from the state Superfund Registry. No further Superfund Environmental Response Actions are Required at this Former Wood Treatment Facility in Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches County.
Site History
The Woodward Industries, Inc., Nacogdoches County site is located in rural Nacogdoches County, about six miles north of the city of Nacogdoches on County Road 816. The approximately seven acre site is bordered by County Road 816 on the north and private residences to the east, west, and south; the western portion of the site was land formerly described as the right-of-way of the Texas & New Orleans Railroad. The company began preserving wood with pentachlorophenol (PCP) in 1947. The wood treatment operation was continued until 1982.
Superfund Registry and Cleanup
The TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry in March 2007 and conducted the remedial investigation from May 2007 to August 2011. In July 2011, the TCEQ conducted a removal action, which involved the removal of contaminated soil and off-site disposal at an appropriate landfill.
Current Status
Cleanup is complete. The site was deleted from its proposed-for-listing status on the state Superfund registry in March 2016.