State Emergency Response Commission
Required under federal law, in Texas the SERC is synonymous with the Texas Division of Emergency Management. The TCEQ receives reports about accidental releases and acts as the repository for Tier II reports.
The federal Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act
Texas Division of Emergency Management
Since the TCEQ is part of the SERC, reporting a spill to the State's spill reporting hot line, (800) 832-8224, constitutes reporting to the SERC.
As a SERC member, the TCEQ is responsible for receiving reports about accidental releases and the annual Toxic Release Inventory or Form R. Reports regarding the storage of chemicals (Tier II forms) should be sent to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Tier II Chemical Reporting. For more information, call the Tier II program at (800) 452-2791 (within Texas, toll free) or (512) 239-5060 (elsewhere).