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Pending Rule Adoptions

Pending Adoptions are staff recommendations that have been filed with the Chief Clerk, but have not yet been voted on by the commissioners.

Pending Adoptions are staff recommendations that have been filed with the Chief Clerk, but have not yet been voted on by the commissioners. At a future date, the commissioners will discuss and either vote to adopt, continue the adoption to a future date, remand the adoption back to staff for revisions, or withdraw the rule package as proposed. If approved, the adoption will be filed with the Texas Register and moved to Adoptions. These drafts are courtesy copies and are subject to change. This site will be updated only if the agency makes substantive changes before the agenda date.

Pending Adoption Date Rule Project Number Short Title/Description Pending Adoption (PDF)
Approval Date
2024-015-290-OW 88th Legislative Session Drinking Water Implementation Rule
This rule projects implements HB 1500, 3810, and 4559 and SB 594 to make amendments to 30 TAC Chapter 290 and 291.
Approval Date
2024-020-331-WS SB 786 and SB 1186: Transfer of Class V Closed-Loop Geothermal Injection Wells and Class V Brine Disposal Injection Wells to RRC
SB 786 adds new Section 27.037 to Subchapter C, Chapter 27 of the Water Code, which defines a closed-loop geothermal injection well and transfers the jurisdiction of closed-loop geothermal injection wells from TCEQ to the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC). SB 1186 grants the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) jurisdiction over brine mining. The bill adds a definition of “brine mining” and clarifies that the RRC jurisdiction includes the authority to regulate both brine production wells and brine injection wells. The bill also instructs the RRC to seek delegation of EPA authority for this type of Class V injection well.