About TCEQ Development Support Documents (DSDs) for Effects Screening Levels (ESLs) and Air Monitoring Comparison Values (AMCVs)
The Carbon Tetrachloride DSD is now final
A Development Support Document (DSD) summarizes how chemical-specific toxicity values were derived based on RG-442, Guidelines to Develop Effects Screening Levels, Reference Values, and Unit Risk Factors.
A proposed DSD is published at the TCEQ web site for a 90-day public review and comment period. After public comments are received, the TD will address and resolve all relevant issues and make scientifically defensible changes to the DSD and toxicity values, if needed.
The final DSDs with a Response to Comments, if applicable, are then published on the TCEQ website. Registrants on the Toxicology Announcement List will be notified by e-mail when proposed or final DSDs are posted.
For instructions on how to join the Toxicology Announcement List, click here.