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IHW Notice of Registration (NOR) Data

NOR Data is current as of 08/08/2024. The files on this page will allow you to download and query information from industrial and hazardous waste (solid waste) registrations.

Untitled Document

Visit the Industrial and Hazardous Waste (IHW) Summary Data page for annual waste, monthly waste receipt, and waste shipment summary data.

Each extract file on this page is an ASCII fixed-length text file. The IHW dataset file specifications and instructions to import into Access will allow you to import the text files into a database program such as Microsoft Access. You can also download the two reference table files affiliated with IHW NOR data.

IHW Notice of Registration (NOR) Data

facility (nor_ext_fac)
contains the basic information for a site including registration number, registration type, company name, mailing address, site location, facility, contact, waste activities, and other notification information.
owner (nor_ext_own)
contains the basic information for a facility owner including facility registration number, owner name, mailing address, phone, fax, email, business type, and tax ID. The mailing address, phone, fax, and email information is the information for the contact with role of owner or owner/operator. Only the most recent owner for the facility will be included in this file.
operator (nor_ext_oper)
contains the basic information for a facility operator including facility registration number, operator name, mailing address, phone, fax, email, business type, and tax id.
contact (nor_ext_cont)
contains the basic information for a facility contact including facility registration number, contact name, title, contact role, mailing address, phone, fax and email.
billing contact (nor_ext_billcont)
contains billing contact information including billing contact name, title, phone, mailing address, customer number, and customer name.
waste (nor_ext_waste)
contains information about a generator's registered waste streams including registration number, Texas waste code, and the first 80 characters of the generator's waste description. This file also contains a waste id which is a unique id used by the PARIS IHW database for linking with other tables pertaining to waste. (See below for further explanation.) There may be zero to many waste records to one fac record and are linked to a fac record by registration number.
waste description (nor_ext_wastedesc)
contains the customer's textual description of its wastes. This file contains the registration number, TCEQ unique facility id, waste id, Texas waste code, a sequence number for grouping a waste's multiple lines of descriptions and a single line of the waste description. There may be one to many waste description records per waste record and are linked to a waste record by waste id.
unit (nor_ext_unit)
contains information about a registrant's waste management units where wastes are managed from on-site or off-site. Unit information includes registration number, unit sequence number and unit type. There may be zero to many unit records to one fac record and are linked by registration number.
unit description (nor_ext_unitdesc)
contains the customer's textual description of its units. This file contains the registration number, TCEQ unique facility id, unit seq number and the unit description. There will be one record per unit and are linked to a unit record by unit seq number and registration number.
one-time shipper (nor_ext_ots)
contains information on one-time shipment activities for facilities including the shipper unique ID number, site name, site address, and broker information.
one-time shipper EPA hazardous waste numbers (nor_ext_ots_ehwn)
a list of EPA waste codes that are currently associated with a waste from a one-time shipment. This file contains the shipper unique ID number, waste id and the EPA waste code. There may be many ots_ehwn records to one Texas Waste Code and are linked by waste id.
universal waste activities (nor_ext_universal)
indicates the universal waste activities listed on a solid waste registration.
unit waste (nor_ext_unitwst)
contains a cross reference for a registration that indicates wastes that are currently managed onsite by a unit. This file contains the registration number, unit sequence number and the waste id. There may be many unitwst records to one unit record and/or many unitwst records to one waste record. The unitwst record is linked by registration number, unit sequence number and waste id.
EPA hazardous waste numbers (nor_ext_epawst)
contains a list of EPA waste codes that are currently associated with a registered waste. This file contains the registration number, waste id and the EPA waste code. There may be many epawst records to one waste record and are linked by waste id.

IHW Reference Tables

The following two files are reference table files for the NOR data and Summary data.

This file contains several tables of codes for the following:
  • EPA waste form
  • origin
  • management/system type
  • Texas waste form
  • waste management unit type
contains the EPA Hazardous waste code and the first 80 characters of EPA's description.

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