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Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Records and Datasets

Find current and historic information and datasets about PSTs and known LPSTs in Texas.

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Find current and historic information about PSTs and known LPSTs in Texas.

Raw Data

The following PST datasets are current as of January 9th, 2025.

Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) Data

For LPST Information please email pstrpr@tceq.texas.glov

Petroleum Storage Tank Data

PST statewide files that can be retrieved from PARIS (Permit and Registration Information System) include owner & tank information for petroleum storage tanks (PST), underground storage tanks (UST), above ground storage tanks (AST) along with the latest amendment. There are twelve (12) files that may be generated. Nine files are associated with the PST Facility data, and three files are associated with the optional tank data. Questions or comments about the information contained in the dataset should be directed to or Phone: 512/239-2160 or Fax: 512/239-3399. See also: PST Data Specifications (provides information on the data fields)

Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Extract
The AST Extract contains information about above-ground storage tanks (ASTs) for all PST facilities.

Construction Notification Extract
The Construction Notification Extract file contains information about all PST Facility’s construction notification activity for ASTs and USTs. See also:

Contractor, Consultant, and Installer Extract
The Contractor, Consultant, and Installer Extract contains the contractor, consultant, and installer information for construction notification activity at PST facilities, and contractor and installer information for USTs at PST facilities.

Facility Billing Contacts Extract
The Facility Billing Contacts Extract contains information about each PST facility’s current billing contacts. This file contains all active billing contacts with current AR number, AR fee code, and billing address for each PST facility.

Facility Extract
The Facility Extract contains information about each PST facility. This file contains site location and active facility contact (facility manager) for each PST facility.

Financial Assurance Extract
The Financial Assurance Extract file contains the information about all PST Facility financial assurance (current and previous) for USTs.

Operator CN Extract
The Operator CN Extract file contains the information about a PST Facility’s current operator(s) and/or owner/operator(s), and current operator and/or owner/operator contacts. A PST facility may have more than one current operator and/or owner/operator.

Owner CN Extract
The Owner CN Extract file contains the information about each PST Facility’s current owner(s) and/or owner/operator(s), and current owner and/or owner/operator contacts. A PST Facility may have more than one current owner and/or owner/operator.

Self-Certification Extract
The Self-Certification Extract file contains the information about UST self-certifications for each PST facility.

Self-Certification USTs Extract
The Self-Certification USTs Extract file contains the information about each PST Facility’s self-certification for each UST tank/compartment.

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Compartment Extract
The UST Compartment Extract file contains information about underground storage tank (UST) compartments for all PST facilities.

UST Extract
The UST Extract file contains information about all underground storage tanks (USTs) for all PST facilities.