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Questions or Comments:

Public Participation in TCEQ Decision-Making

Ways for the public to interact with the TCEQ or otherwise be represented during decision-making. Also see TCEQ’s commitments regarding non-discrimination and inclusion.

Title VI Compliance at TCEQ

Information on non-discrimination requirements for participation in programs and processes, how to report concerns, request accommodations, and be involved in decision making.

Pending Permit Applications: Participating in the Process

We review applications for many different environmental permits. Each type of permit application has its own participation process. In many cases, the permitting process calls for the applicant to publish one or more public notices that invite the public to comment and sometimes to participate in other ways.

Pending Permit Applications: Documents and Information

Find applicant information, public notice documents, and application summaries in plain language—in English, and other languages as needed—for pending permits and licenses.

Comment on Pending Permit Applications

Submitting comments on pending permit applications is often a requirement for any additional participation in the permitting process.

Comment on Pending Enforcement Actions

Pending TCEQ enforcement actions are open to public comment.

Public Notices

Database of public notices mailed by the TCEQ Chief Clerk's Office.

Participating in Rule Development

Avenues for participating in the rulemaking process.

Advisory and Stakeholder Groups and Committees

Find information about over 40 advisory groups that help the TCEQ implement legislation, develop rules, and form policies.

Public Interest Counsel

Under the Texas Water Code, the public interest counsel is an independent party to all agency proceedings. While this office cannot represent members of the public, public interest groups, or any other party in a proceeding, it can provide information to anyone with questions about the legal aspects of the TCEQ's rules, permitting procedures, contested case hearing procedures, and enforcement proceedings.

Dispute Resolution

How you can use the TCEQ’s free mediation service to resolve a dispute.