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Questions or Comments:

Find an Application’s Notices and Letters

Learn how to use the Commissioners’ Integrated Database to find an application’s public notices and other correspondence.

The Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID) is a system that allows you to search for data from the Office of the Chief Clerk (OCC). This includes almost all public notices, public letters, and items submitted by the public (e.g., comments, requests for contested case hearings, etc.).

The most common, and easiest, way to find an application in the CID is to search by its TCEQ-assigned identification number, such as a permit number. Using this number, follow these steps to find an application in the CID.

Search One: Status of Matters

Step One: Select type of items to view and the sort order.

    • The default is “Open Items” (i.e., items that still require OCC’s involvement), sorted by the applicant’s name. You should use these defaults, but if there are no results when you do a search, you might want to switch to “Open and Closed Items.”

Step Two: Choose additional information below.

    • Enter the TCEQ-assigned identification number (e.g., permit number).

    • If you do not have this number, you may use alternate information such as the applicant’s name. Note that this type of search may retrieve multiple applications with different identification numbers.

Step Three (optional): Include the additional information below.

    • If you would like to see all of an application’s public comments, request for meetings, and requests for contested case hearings, select “Include all correspondence from the public on this Item.”

    • If you would like to see other filed items for that application, such as any motions to overturn, select “Include Filings on this Item.”

Click “Search” to retrieve information based on what you entered/selected.

    • There are two Search buttons on this page; make sure to click the one located in the Search One section.

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Results List

After you click “Search,” the system will search for and display any results. If you receive no results, verify the number you entered is correct; if it is, you might want to try searching by the applicant’s name, or go back to Step One in your search and include closed items.

Each listed result represents an individual item that requires TCEQ’s action, such as an application. Here is an explanation for some of the items displayed in the results. Additional definitions can be found in the CID’s Glossary of Terms

  • Applicant/Respondent Name: A business, governmental body, association, individual, or other entity that owns, operates, is responsible for, or is affiliated with a regulated entity.


    • Exxon USA

    • Exxon INC

    • USAF

    • City of Houston Utilities

  • Item Type: A category in which an application, rule, enforcement action, etc. is entered and tracked by the OCC.

  • Regulated Entity Name:  A person, organization, place, or thing that is of environmental interest to the TCEQ where regulatory activities or interest to TCEQ occur or have occurred in the past. This name is only stated in correspondence between agency and applicant and is not necessary for a successful search.


    • Exxon Baytown Facility

    • John Doe

    • Texaco Gas Station #200

    • Davis Water Treatment Plant

  • Program: The area within the TCEQ in which a permit, registration, license, or application is applied for or issued.

  • Permit Number:  A permit, registration, license, facility ID, application, etc. number issued by TCEQ program area.

  • TCEQ Docket Number:  Identifying number given to items to be placed on the Commissioners’ Agenda. XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X

    Three-to-Four Part Number includes:

    • Part 1: Four digit year (calendar year request for number made)

    • Part 2: Four digit sequential number assigned by the system

    • Part 3: Program area acronym

    • Part 4: “E” indicating an Enforcement item or blank if not.

  • SOAH Docket Number:  Identifying number given to items referred to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH).

    Three Part Number which includes:

    • Part 1: 582 (State Agency identifier)

    • Part 2: Two digit year

  • Protestant Information:  The total number of comments received, requests for a contested case hearing, and requests for a public meeting.

  • Activity Action List:  A list of dates, documents, or actions made or received by the Office of Chief Clerk.

  • Filings:  Listing of dates/document(s) that have been filed with the Chief Clerk’s Office pertaining to an item that is going before the Commissioners or contested case.

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