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Questions or Comments:

Participating in Public Meetings and Hearings on Pending Permits

Public meetings allow the public to learn about the permit application, ask questions of the applicant and TCEQ, and offer formal comments. No decision to approve or deny an application is made at a public meeting.

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What to Know about Public Meetings

When a public meeting is held, you can find out more about a proposed permit and voice your concerns.

What to expect at a public meeting

Get an overview of who typically attends public meetings, what happens during various types of commenting sessions, and who to call for more information.

Calendar of public meetings and hearings on pending permits

Find upcoming public meetings, notice and comment hearings, informal public hearings, and contested case hearings on permitting applications.

Requesting a public meeting through our comments system

Use our online comments system to request a public meeting. You can also submit comments online at any time prior to the end of the comment period.

Issues generally outside of TCEQ’s jurisdiction

Public comments are a critical component of TCEQ’s decision-making process. While we strive to assist in every way possible, some matters fall outside of our jurisdiction.

Asking for interpretation or special accommodations

TCEQ strives to ensure that all Texans can participate in public meetings. Find out how to request accommodations or interpretation services for a public meeting.

Overview of public participation in permitting

Find details about how to submit comments, the difference between public meetings and contested case hearings - and how to request them, and how to protest TCEQ’s decision to issue a permit. The process for participating in permitting is slightly different for applications filed before September 1, 2015.

Searching for TCEQ public notices

During our review of a permit application, the applicant posts a public notice. The notice describes the location and nature of the proposed activity, lists agency and applicant contacts, and contains instructions for submitting comments, getting on the mailing list, and requesting a public meeting or hearing.

For More Information