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Questions or Comments:

Asking for Interpretation or Special Accommodations

TCEQ strives to ensure that all Texans can participate in public meetings and hearings.

Interpretation Services

  • Public Meetings and Hearings: We arrange interpretation services at public meetings when either the Office of Chief Clerk has received comments in the alternative language at least two weeks before the public meeting is scheduled, or there is significant public interest that would be served by having interpretation services available.
    You can request an interpreter by calling the Chief Clerk’s office at 512-239-3300 at least two weeks before the meeting.
  • Contested Case Hearings: If you need interpretation services at a contested case hearing, please contact the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) at 512-475-4993.

Special Accommodations

  • Persons with disabilities who plan to attend a TCEQ meeting or SOAH hearing and who need special accommodations should call the Chief Clerk’s office at 512-239-3300 or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week before the event.

Learn More

Read about TCEQ’s nondiscrimination processes.