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Find Out More about Applicants and Their Histories

The most complete source of information on permit applicants, permitted facilities, and their histories is called Central Registry. Here we show you how to use Central Registry to find the information you need.

Central Registry has a feature called the Additional ID Search that makes it possible to find this information online.

Open Central Registry's Additional ID Search. (When you click this link, the Additional ID Search will open in a new tab or window.)

In the Additional ID Search, follow these steps. To make the instructions easier to follow, we'll say "permit" when it could mean permit, registration, or application.

  1. For "Program ID," enter the permit number you found in the public notice.
  2. Leave "Search Type" set to "full ID."
  3. Set "ID Status" to "Pending."
  4. For "Program," make a choice only if you're sure.
  5. Click "Search."
  6. Central Registry will give you one of these three kinds of results:
    • ID Search Results List, when there are two or more results.
    • Regulated Entity Information, when there is only one result. (This is most likely.)
    • A message: "No results were found. Please search again."

Using the ID Search Results List

Each entry in this list represents a permit. The list is presented in a table with these headings:

  • RN Number (column 1) — our number for that facility. The RN Number links to the facility's Regulated Entity Information. Skip down to "Working with Regulated Entity Information" to see what you can find.
  • Regulated Entity Name (column 2) — the name of the facility.
  • Location (column 3) — the physical address.
  • County (column 4).
  • Program (column 5) — our program area that oversees this permit. In other words, the "Program" is whatever the permit is about.
  • ID (column 6) — the permit number. The ID links to details about that permit — but if the permit is pending, the only "detail" to find is "Not on file." But this link would be useful for a permit with other statuses.
  • Type (column 7) — the actual type of "permit." As you will see, we have many different labels for what you might call a permit.
  • Status (column 8) — the status of the permit with us. Because you chose "Pending" every entry in this column should be "Pending." That means we are still reviewing the permit. But this could also be "Active," "Cancelled," or any of the other options you saw when you chose "Pending."

Working with Regulated Entity Information

This page shows you:

  • What the permit is for — the "Regulated Entity." If the regulated entity is a plant, landfill, or other facility, you will also see the name, address, and physical location of the facility.
  • Who is connected to the permit — the "Affiliated Customers." In this case, the "customers" will be the owners and operators of the facility. You will find three types of links in this area:
    • View Affiliation History — If other people or businesses owned or operated the facility in the past, you can find a list of them by clicking View Affiliation History.
    • CN Number — our number for that business or person. If you click this link, you will find information about that customer — What else do they own? What else do they operate?
    • Details — an arrow that links to information about this customer and this facility. No other customers or facilities will appear on this page.
  • If they're available, standard codes for the general type of industry or business done at this regulated entity. The categories for these codes are so broad that they might not be useful to you. We won't go into them.
  • All the permits that go with this regulated entity — including the permit whose number you entered in Step 1. For each permit, you will find:
    • Program (column 1) — our program area that oversees this permit. In other words, the "Program" is whatever the permit is about.
    • ID Type (column 2) — the actual type of "permit." As you will see, we have many different labels for what you might call a permit.
    • ID Number(column 3) — the permit number. The ID Number links to details about that permit. To learn more about what you can find there, see "Working with Permit Details" below.
    • ID Status (column 4) — the status of the permit with us. If the status is anything but "Pending" or "Withdrawn," the link under ID Number is likely to give you useful information.

Working with Permit Details

This page gives you links to any information we have in our electronic records about the history of a permit and the customers associated with it.

However, not all permits or customers have all types of these records, and we do not have all these records in electronic form.

In other words, not all of the links described here will appear for all permits. But if you find these links they will take you to useful information:

  • View Compliance History — If this link appears, it will be after the name of a customer. But when you follow this link, you will see our report on the compliance history at this facility of all customers who have been associated with that facility. It will not tell you about the compliance history of those same customers at other facilities.
  • Related Information — A standard set of categories appears here:
    • If we have information for a category, it appears in bold blue type just below "Related Information." Each linked category leads you to a different kind of information on this permit. Follow these links. Often the information you find will help you understand the facility's and customer's history with us.
    • If we have no information on a category, it appears as text, not a link, in a list below the line beginning, "There is no information … ." Sometimes the reason we have no information for a category is that the category is irrelevant to this type of facility.

Search Again: When You Get No Results

When you get no results, Central Registry returns you to the search form with the entries you chose.

Check the ID number you entered.

Or change any other setting — Search Type, ID Status, or Program — and search again.

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