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I Received a Grant, Now What?

Instructions and grant documents are provided in each of the steps below. Funds will not be awarded for any project until disposition of the vehicle or equipment is completed.

Next Steps Once You Receive a Grant

If you have received a copy of your contract signed by the TCEQ, you may move forward with the purchase of the new equipment. When you purchase the new equipment, ensure that you receive an invoice detailing the cost and what you purchased. If you are considering purchasing something other than what is listed in your contract, please contact TxVEMP staff.

Now that you have received your reimbursement and are operating your new equipment, its time to start keeping records. Grantees will be expected to use the grant-funded vehicle or equipment at least 51% of the equipment’s annual miles or hours of operation in a Priority Area for an activity life of five years. TxVEMP staff may reach out to ensure the vehicle or equipment is meeting this requirement of the contract.