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Barnett Shale: Activities

Documents, upcoming meetings and activities related to the Barnett Shale area.

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July 8, 2015
The Barnett Shale: from problem formulation to risk management has been published in the Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources and is now available online for a fee: .
This peer-reviewed publication describes in detail the problem formulation process used by the TCEQ to identify and quantify risks associated with air emissions from natural gas operations in the Barnett Shale area and the subsequent risk management strategies implemented. Our hope is that this manuscript may serve as a resource to others to identify and manage risks in other shale plays. For more information about this publication, you may e-mail us at

November 26, 2013
Near real-time ambient air monitoring data is now available from a newly-installed Automated Gas Chromatograph (Auto GC) monitor in the Barnett Shale area. The monitor is located in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, 2171 Manana Drive, at the northwest corner of the City’s new Elm Fork Athletic Complex. The monitor is being operated by the North Texas Commission for the TCEQ. Data from the monitor is available online at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network webpage, under the heading of "Dallas Elm Fork."

October 9, 2013
Near real-time ambient air monitoring data is now available from two newly-installed Auto GC monitors in the Barnett Shale area. One monitor is located in the southwest city limits of Fort Worth, in Tarrant Count, and it is near the town of Benbrook. The monitor is located at 7001 Lakeside Drive. Data from the monitor is available online at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network webpage, under the heading of “Fort Worth Benbrook Lake". The second monitor recently installed is also in Fort Worth at 2525 Joe B. Rushing Road. Data from this monitor is also available at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network webpage, under the heading of “Fort Worth Joe B. Rushing Rd". These monitors are being operated by the North Texas Commission for the TCEQ.

August 6, 2013
Near real-time ambient air monitoring data is now available from a newly-installed Auto GC monitor in the Barnett Shale area. The monitor is located near the town of Godley, in Johnson County, at FM 2331 and CR 913. The monitor is being operated by the North Texas Commission for the TCEQ. Data from the monitor is available online at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network, webpage under the heading of “Godley FM2331."

December 21, 2012
Near real-time ambient air monitoring data is now available from a newly-installed Auto GC monitor in the Barnett Shale area. The monitor is located in the City of Rhome, in Wise County, at 639 County Road 4651. The monitor is being operated by the University of Texas at Arlington through a grant from the TCEQ. Data from the monitor is available online at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network, webpage under the heading of “Rhome Seven Hills."

October 31, 2012
Near real-time ambient air monitoring data is now available from a newly-installed Auto GC monitor in the Barnett Shale area. The monitor is located in the City of Arlington, on the University of Texas at Arlington campus, at 1101 S. Pecan Street. The monitor is being operated by the North Texas Commission through a grant from the TCEQ. Data from the monitor is available online at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network, webpage under the heading of “Arlington UT Campus.”

October 23, 2012
Near real-time ambient air monitoring data is now available from a newly-installed Auto GC monitor in the Barnett Shale area. The monitor is located in the City of Mansfield at 1310 Flying L Lane. The monitor is being operated for the TCEQ by the University of Texas at Arlington. Data from the monitor is available online at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network webpage, under the heading of “Mansfield Flying L Lane.”

October 15, 2012
Information is being provided along with forms and reports that must be submitted to the TCEQ for the New Source Performance Standard Subpart OOOO Notification and Delegation Update federal rule.

September 27, 2012
Near real-time ambient air monitoring data is now available from a newly-installed Automated Gas Chromatograph Auto GC monitor in the Barnett Shale area. The monitor is located in the Arlington/Kennedale area, along Treepoint Drive. The monitor is being operated for the TCEQ by the University of Texas at Arlington. Data from the monitor is available online at the Automated Gas Chromatographs Barnett Shale Monitoring Network, webpage under the heading of “Kennedale Treepoint Drive.”

July 16, 2012
Advanced Air Permitting Seminar and Oil and Gas Facilities Workshop
The Advanced Air Permitting Seminar and the Oil and Gas Facilities Workshop will be held September 10-11 at the Austin Convention Center.

September 13, 2011
Barnett Shale Special Inventory, Phase Two summary-level data is now available.

March 16, 2011
Health Effects Evaluation, executive summary, and sampling data for TCEQ Sampling for Carbonyl Compounds in Dish and Fort Worth, November 6-10, 2010 . On November 6-10, 2010, the TCEQ collected 31 one-hour aldehyde (formaldehyde) and ketone samples in and around the Town of DISH and near a compressor station in the City of Fort Worth, Texas. The link above, provides the TCEQ's Health Effects Evaluation along with a executive summary of the sampling that was conducted, including all of the sampling results.

November 22, 2010
New Flower Mound AutoGC air monitor is now live.

November 2, 2010
New Decatur AutoGC air monitor is now live.

October 5, 2010
TCEQ Open house scheduled for October 16th
The open house will be held on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the offices of the North Central Texas Council of Governments located at 616 Six Flags Drive, Arlington, Texas, 76005-5888. The open house will allow residents to see first-hand the type of scientific instruments being used to monitor air quality in and around the Barnett Shale region, as well as see a tutorial on the new interactive map that allows people to see what sampling results have been collected near where they live and work.

TCEQ will join representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Railroad Commission of Texas and the Department of State Health Services to help residents learn more about efforts underway to study the effects of oil and gas operations in the region.

September 7, 2010
Barnett Shale Area Special Inventory, Phase Two

The TCEQ is requesting companies, including any affiliated subsidiaries that own and/or operate leases and/or facilities associated with Barnett Shale oil and gas production, transmission, processing, and related activities to provide air emissions data and related information for calendar year 2009.

August 27, 2010
The TCEQ has launched the interactive Barnett Shale Air Sampling Map Viewer to illustrate sampling locations, laboratory data and health effects evaluations that have been completed.

August 17, 2010 (updated October 1, 2010)
On July 28, 2010, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality proposed a new permit by rule and standard permit for oil and gas production facilities. On August 31, 2010, the commission held a series of public meetings in Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, Tyler, Midland, Amarillo, Beaumont, Waco, and Houston to answer questions concerning this proposal.
On September 14, 2010, the TCEQ conducted a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed rulemaking.

July 23, 2010 (updated March 16, 2011)
Health Effects Evaluation, executive summary, and sampling data for TCEQ Sampling for Carbonly Compounds in the Town of DISH, June 16-18, 2010 . On June 16-18, 2010, the TCEQ collected 23 one-hour aldehyde (formaldehyde) and ketone samples in and around the Town of DISH, Texas. The link above, provides the TCEQ's Health Effects Evaluation along with a executive summary of the sampling that was conducted, including all of the sampling results.

July 9, 2010
TCEQ Sampling in City of Fort Worth
As a result of observations and findings in the Barnett Shale Formation area in August, October, November, and December 2009, and March 2010, the TCEQ Mobile Monitoring Team conducted an additional ambient air monitoring survey project in the Fort Worth, Texas, area from April 19 - 23, 2010.

July 9, 2010
Sampling Results by County
A listing of TCEQ laboratory analysis concerning canister sampling that has been conducted near oil and/or natural gas facilites located in the Barnett Shale area, and provides signed and dated TCEQ Laboratory Analysis Results for collected samples. This page also contains associated Toxicology Division (TD) health effects evaluation memorandums.

July 6, 2010
Barnett Shale Area Special Inventory, Phase One Results
The TCEQ's Emissions Assessment Section (EAS) conducted a special inventory to determine the location, number, and type of emissions sources located at upstream and midstream oil and gas operations associated with the Barnett Shale formation.

June 4, 2010
Memorandum dated May 25, 2010 discussing health effects evaluation of Barnett Shale follow-up survey project, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area, conducted March 1-5, 2010.

April 22, 2010
New Dish, Eagle Mountain Lake Air Monitors Are Now Live.

April 13, 2010
Extension of comment period for stakeholder comments from the April 8, 2010 meeting on oil and gas production facilities.
The comment period for submission of stakeholder comments on the draft standard permit and permit by rule for oil and gas production facilities has been extended until April 30, 2010. Minutes from the stakeholder meeting are now posted.

April 9, 2010
Barnett Shale Area Special Inventory
The TCEQ is requesting companies associated with Barnett Shale oil and gas production, transmission, processing, and related activities to provide air emissions-related information for calendar year 2009.

April 8, 2010
The TCEQ held a stakeholder meeting to receive comments on the development of a standard permit for oil and gas production facilities and the concurrent modification of the Chapter 106 permit by rule, §106.352, Oil and Gas Production Facilities.

Details about the proposal, including draft language for the standard permit and permit by rule can be found at the webpage on Air Quality Standard Permit and Permit by Rule for Oil and Gas Production Facilities.

January 27, 2010
Information presented in Fort Worth on January 27, 2010:

January 12, 2010
Presentation - Fort Worth Review - Presentation by TCEQ Office of Compliance and Enforcement Deputy Director John Sadlier on a Barnett Shale air study to the Fort Worth City Council on January 12, 2010.

Page 6 video: Condensate Tank Emissions (WMV file - help with WMV )
Page 8 video: Compressor Station Emissions (WMV file)

City of Fort Worth Survey - A volatile organic compound survey project in the Fort Worth, Texas, area from December 15 – 17, 2009.

For additional information please contact:

Keith Sheedy

Phone: 512-239-1556

E-mail: (put "Barnett Shale" in the subject line)