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Controlling Emissions from Large Off-Road Spark-Ignition Engines

Information and links to documents about the regulation to control emissions from large off-road spark-ignition engines in Texas.

The SIP files on this page are hosted by the Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) web archive. If you need assistance with a file, please contact

The California rule on large spark-ignition engines is an enforceable control strategy under Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP). This page provides information and downloadable documents related to this control strategy.


Area affected: Statewide
Start date: January 1, 2004
End date: N/A
Applicability period: Year-round
Source type: Off-road mobile source
Emissions targeted: Nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Rule/Citation: 30 TAC 114, Subchapter I, Division 3 ( PDF version )(HTML version)
Description: This statewide rule places controls on non-road, large spark-ignition (LSI) engines. It requires manufacturers to ensure that all affected spark-ignition engines are certified to California LSI standards. Agricultural and construction equipment less than 175 horsepower, recreation equipment, stationary engines, marine vessels, and equipment on tracks are exempt from this rule.

In November of 2002 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published federal requirements for LSI engines that will eventually supersede the Texas standards. The EPA rule is a two-phase program. The first phase of the standards went into effect in 2004 and subsumed the same standards as those adopted in October 1998 by the California Air Resources Board for 2004. However, in 2007 the EPA rule will supplement these standards by setting limits that will require optimizing the same technologies and will base emission measurements on a transient test cycle. New requirements for evaporative emissions and engine diagnostics will also begin in 2007.

SIP Narratives and Appendices

Adopted SIPs

This section contains downloadable documents containing the revisions to the SIP, including the narrative and appendixes. (Help with PDF and Downloading Files.)

Related Rules

Rule/Citation: 30 TAC 114, Subchapter I, Division 3 ( PDF version )(HTML version)

Contact Air Quality Division

David Serrins
Air Quality Division, TCEQ
Phone: 512/239-1954

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