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Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Rate of Progress SIP Revision and Associated Rule Changes

A revision to the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) SIP for controls related to portable fuel containers, commercial lawn equipment operating restrictions, and heavy-duty vehicle idling.

The SIP files on this page are hosted by the Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) web archive . If you need assistance with a file, please contact

On October 27, 2004, the commission adopted the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) Rate of Progress (ROP) State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision, along with changes to the state rules regarding portable fuel containers, commercial lawn equipment, and heavy-duty vehicle idling. This webpage discusses these changes.


About the Revision

Adoption Date: 10/27/2004
Proposal Date: 06/23/2004
EPA Approval Date: 02/14/2005 (70 FR 07407 )

The HGB ROP SIP revision updated the ROP, emission inventories, and motor vehicle emission budgets to reflect the use of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) new emission factor models (NONROAD and MOBILE6). Concurrent with this SIP revision, the commission incorporated changes to Texas Administrative Code Chapters 114 and 115 into the Texas SIP.


Associated Rule Revisions

The commission adopted the following rule revisions for incorporation into the HGB ROP SIP.

  • Portable Fuel Containers: This rulemaking specified performance standards, testing requirements, and labeling requirements for portable fuel containers (Project Number 2004-033-115-AI).
  • Commercial Lawn Equipment Operating Restrictions: The rulemaking repeals the lawn service equipment operating restrictions that were scheduled to go into effect April 1, 2005, in Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria, Montgomery, and Galveston Counties (Project Number 2004-034-114-AI).
  • Heavy-Duty Vehicle Idling: This rulemaking repeals the idling limitations placed on heavy-duty vehicles in the HGB area (Project Number 2004-043-114-AI).


Related Links

For more information on the HGB area and the rules associated with the HGB ROP SIP please visit the following webpages.

Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Area and the State Implementation Plan

Portable Fule Containers

Commercial Lawn Equipment Operating Restrictions

Vehicle Idling Restrictions


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