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TxLED Quarterly Reporting

All diesel producers and importers that have registered with the Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) program are required to submit a TxLED quarterly report to the TCEQ no later than 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. Download the necessary TxLED quarterly reporting forms here.

Reporting Forms

You must file your TxLED quarterly report using the appropriate TxLED Quarterly Reporting Form. The forms are specific for each type of TxLED compliance method.

Submitting Your Reports

E-mail a copy of the completed TxLED quarterly report(s)


Related Rules

30 TAC 114.316—Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements

More Questions? Contact the TxLED Program!

For more information, please contact Michael Regan, Air Quality Planning Section, at (512) 239-2988 or email and specify “TxLED Program” in the subject line.

Sign up for e-mail updates on matters relating to the TxLED program.

You will receive e-mails whenever we add new information to this TxLED Stakeholders Web page or to the main TxLED Program Web page. Click on the link below and do the following:

  1. Enter and confirm your e-mail address.
  2. From the list of choices, look under Air Quality and select "Texas Low Emission Diesel (TxLED) Program."
  3. Select other subscriptions if you wish, then click "Save."
  4. The system will then send you a confirmation e-mail to accept.

You can unsubscribe, change your e-mail address, or choose additional options from the link on this page or from the update e-mails you receive.

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