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Vehicle Idling Restrictions

Information and documents on the vehicle idling restrictions that applies within the jurisdiction of any local government in Texas that has signed a memorandum of agreement with the TCEQ to delegate enforcement to that local government.

The SIP files on this page are hosted by the Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) web archive . If you need assistance with a file, please contact

This rule limits the idling of heavy-duty vehicles within the jurisdiction of any local government that has signed a Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) with the TCEQ for the local enforcement of the state's motor vehicle idling limitations.

Latest Changes

On August 8, 2012, the TCEQ adopted a rule revision amending 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 114, Subchapter J, Division 2, the Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations. This rule revision added an exemption for motor vehicles that have a gross vehicle weight greater than 14,000 pounds and are equipped with a 2008 or newer engine that has been certified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or a state environmental agency to emit no more than 30 grams of nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions per hour when idling.

On July 20, 2011, the TCEQ adopted a rule revision amending the Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations to expand the enforcement period from April 1 - October 31 to allow for year round enforcement, and removed the expired prohibition for drivers using sleeper berths to idle in residential zones, school zones, and near hospitals. The rule revision also added an exemption for armored vehicles.



The Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations rule, which was first established in December 2004, places time limits on the idling of gasoline and diesel-powered engines of heavy-duty motor vehicles within the jurisdiction of any local government that has signed a MOA with the TCEQ to delegate enforcement of the state's motor vehicle idling limitations to that local government. This rule prohibits any person in the affected local jurisdiction from permitting the primary propulsion engine of a heavy-duty motor vehicle to idle for more than five consecutive minutes when the vehicle is not in motion. The goal of this air quality control program is to lower NOX and other pollutant emissions from fuel combustion by heavy-duty motor vehicles.

Areas affected:

Statewide, within the jurisdiction of any local government that has signed an MOA with the TCEQ to delegate enforcement to that local government.

Start date:

December 9, 2004

End date:


Source type:

On-road mobile source

Emissions targeted:

Nitrogen oxides (NOX)


30 TAC 114, Subchapter J, Division 2

Memorandum of Agreement

This MOA template may be used to prepare the agreement entered into between a local government and the TCEQ to delegate enforcement of the motor vehicle idling limitations rule to that local government.

Local municipalities with a current MOA in place:

Dallas-Fort Worth Area
City of Corinth
City of Plano
City of Mesquite
City of Terrell

Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Area
City of Houston

Austin-Round Rock Area
City of Austin
Bastrop County
Travis County

San Antonio Area

El Paso Area
City of El Paso

Related State Implementation Plans that incorporate the Motor Vehicle Idling Rule

Austin EAC SIP , Adopted November 17, 2004

DFW Eight-hour Ozone AD SIP Revision , Adopted May 23, 2007

Austin-Round Rock Eight-hour Ozone Flex Program

Related Web Sites

National Idling Reduction Network News

Dallas-Fort Worth Anti-Idling

Contact Us

Michael Regan
Air Quality Division, TCEQ
Phone: 512-239-2988