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Voluntary Mobile Emissions Reductions Program (VMEP)

Information and links to documents about the Voluntary Mobile Emissions Reduction Program (VMEP).

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The Voluntary Mobile Emissions Reduction Program (VMEP) is a voluntary control strategy under Texas’ State Implementation Plan (SIP). This page provides information and downloadable documents about this control strategy.


Areas affected: Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB), Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW)
Start date: N/A
End date: None
Applicability Period: Year-round
Source type: On-road mobile source, Off-road mobile source
Emissions targeted: Nitrogen Oxides (NOX), volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Rule/Citation: N/A

Description: The Voluntary Mobile Emissions Reduction Program includes a number of voluntary measures aimed at reducing emissions from motor vehicles beyond the mandated reductions. Some include alternative fuels, employee trip reduction, public education, ozone-season fare reduction, sustainable development, non-road ozone-season reductions, tier II locomotive engines, off-road heavy duty diesel engine retrofits, and vehicle retirement and maintenance.

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Related Rules

The VMEP is voluntary and implemented largely at the local level; therefore, no rules have been written by the TCEQ for this measure.

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Additional Materials

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Appendix H: VMEP for the HGB Attainment Demonstration , HGB 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standard Severe Attainment Demonstration SIP Revision (March 10, 2010)

  • Description: Appendix in the HGB SIP that describes the VMEP measures for the HGB severe nonattainment area

Appendix A: VMEP for the HGB Attainment Demonstration , HGB 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standard Moderate Attainment Demonstration SIP Revision (May 23, 2007)

  • Description: Appendix in the HGB SIP that describes the VMEP measures for the HGB moderate nonattainment area

DFW 1997 Eight-Hour Ozone Standard Moderate Attainment Demonstration SIP Revision (May 23, 2007)

Appendix F.7 - Documentation of VMEPs , HGB One-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration Mid-Course Review SIP Revision  (Dec 1, 2004)

  • Description: HGAC report detailing the 2007 VMEP benefits for the eight-county HGA area

App. K - HGAC Documentation of VMEPs , HGB One-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration and Rate-of-Progress SIP Revision  (Dec 6, 2000)

  • Description: Appendix in the HGB SIP that describes the VMEP measures for the HGB area

DFW One-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration SIP Revision  (Apr 19, 2000)

Description: DFW-area VMEPs are described on pages 6-14 to 6-38 of this SIP

DFW One-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration SIP Revision  (Apr 19, 2000)

EPA Guidance on Incorporating Voluntary Mobile Source Emission Reduction Programs in State Implementation Plans (SIPs) (October 24, 1997)

VMEP Agreements

Some VMEP strategies have involved forming agreements between the TCEQ and entities voluntarily committing to reductions attributable to the VMEP program. The following agreements are available for download:

HGB Railroad Program (Dec 2000)

HGB Area Tugboat and Towing Vessel Program (June 2001)

HGB TxDOT Ferries (May 2002)

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