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SIP Revision: Dallas-Fort Worth and Chapter 117, April 27, 2005

A revision of the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) nonattainment area.

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On April 27, 2005, the commission adopted a 5 Percent Increment of Progress (IOP) SIP revision for the DFW nonattainment area. 

Summary of Adopted SIP Revision

On April 30, 2004, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated its Phase I Eight-Hour Implementation Rule. In 40 CFR §51.905 (a)(ii) and subsequent guidance, the EPA provided three options for areas that do not currently have an approved one-hour ozone attainment plan. One of these options involved submitting an eight-hour ozone plan providing a 5 percent increment of progress over both the area’s 2002 emissions baseline and federal and state measures already approved by the EPA. This option also set a deadline for these reductions of June 15, 2007. Developed in coordination with the EPA, this SIP revision contains information and control measures to meet this option.

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Elements of Adopted SIP Revision

  • 2002 Periodic Emissions Inventory (PEI) for the Nine-County Ozone Nonattainment Area: In accordance with the EPA’s Consolidated Emissions Reporting Rule, the Texas 2002 PEI has been developed for volatile organic compounds (VOC), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and other pollutants from point, area, on-road mobile, nonroad mobile, and biogenic sources. EPA requires that the 2002 PEI for the nine-county DFW area be available for public comment and be submitted as part of this 5 Percent IOP SIP. The 2002 PEI is included as Appendix A.
  • NOX Control Measures
    • Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP): In the DFW area, projects funded as of September 1, 2004, are projected to result in reductions in NOX emissions of over 7.78 tons per day (tpd) in 2007. Accounting for these projects already funded and based on the approach established for allocating future TERP funds, TERP funding will be sufficient to reduce NOX by more than 22.2 tpd in the DFW area by 2007.
    • Energy Efficiency: Statewide adoption of the International Residential Code and the International Energy Conservation Code for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings was mandated by the 77th Texas Legislature under Senate Bill 5. The resulting NOX reductions based on electricity and natural gas savings were calculated to be 0.72 tpd. For more information, refer to Appendix I.
    • Alcoa, Milam County: Alcoa has chosen to replace its three existing boilers with two lignite-fired circulating fluidized bed boilers, as presented as an option under a federal consent decree signed on April 9, 2003 (see Appendix D). Only one of these boilers will be replaced by June 15, 2007, resulting in a reduction of 3.9 tpd of NOX. Therefore, only that portion of the credit implemented by June 15, 2007, has been included as part of this SIP.
  • VOC Control Measures
    • Statewide Portable Fuel Container Rule: The Portable Fuel Container Rule establishes new requirements relating to the design criteria for portable fuel containers and portable fuel container spouts. The new rules will establish design criteria for “no-spill” portable fuel containers. Portable fuel containers manufactured under these standards will release fewer amounts of fuel as the result of spillage and evaporation.

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Measures Requiring Rulemaking

  • NOX Control Measures
    • Lean-Burn and Rich-Burn Engines: The adopted 5 Percent IOP plan includes implementing new emission specifications and other compliance demonstration requirements in Chapter 117, Subchapter B, Division 3 for certain industrial, commercial, and institutional stationary, reciprocating internal-combustion engines in the nine-county area.
  • VOC Control Measures
    • Surface Coating: In rulemaking concurrent to this SIP revision, the commission adopted a rule to extend the requirements for surface coating to the five newly designated DFW nonattainment counties.
    • Stage I Gasoline Unloading: In rulemaking concurrent to this SIP revision, the commission adopted a rule to extend the Stage I requirements to the five newly designated DFW nonattainment counties.

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SIP Narrative and Appendices

This section contains downloadable documents of the revisions to the SIP including the narrative, response to comments, and appendices. The files are primarily in Portable Document Format (PDF) with some appendices provided as Zipped data files.

(Help with PDF and Downloading Files).

SIP Revision Narrative and Response to Comments

Adopted Appendices

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