Houston-Galveston-Brazoria: Contacts and SIP-Related Links
How to contact the TCEQ, contact local planning groups, and access other helpful links.
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Designated Air Quality Planning Groups
Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC)
The H-GAC is the region-wide voluntary association of local governments in the 13-county Gulf Coast planning region. It serves as the instrument of local government cooperation, promoting the region’s orderly development and the safety and welfare of its citizens.
Regional Air Quality Planning Advisory Committee
Appointed by the H-GAC board of directors, the Regional Air Quality Planning Advisory Committee (RAQPAC) is composed of personnel from local government agencies, citizen groups, and representatives of business and industry. TCEQ staff are involved as non-voting members, whose main purpose is to provide information and technical assistance. The RAQPAC assists and advises the H-GAC, regional and local governments, transportation organizations, and other agencies on air quality issues.
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Air Quality Technical Information Meeting (TIM)
Meetings are held to present technical and scientific information related to air quality modeling and analysis to inform stakeholders of information relevant to SIP development for the HGB ozone nonattainment area.
Related Links
Air Quality Modeling Data and Analyses for the HGB area