State Implementation Plan for Air Quality: Glossary and Acronyms
A listing of useful terms and acronyms used frequently in the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the webpages related to it.
attainment demonstration: A plan that describes how a nonattainment area expects to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) by the attainment deadline.
control strategy: Measures to deal with air pollution. Examples of control strategies include an emissions trading program or vehicle inspection and maintenance.
eight-hour ozone standard: The indicator of air quality acceptability as it pertains to ground-level ozone. The current threshold value for this standard is 0.070 ppm, measured as maximum daily eight-hour average concentrations. To attain the eight-hour ozone NAAQS, the three-year average of the annual fourth-highest daily maximum eight-hour ozone concentration must not exceed 0.075 ppm.
nonattainment area: A geographic area that fails to meet a NAAQS. An area must be officially designated by the EPA, under procedures set forth by the federal Clean Air Act, to be classified in nonattainment.
offsets (pollution offsets, industrial growth offset): The reduction of current emissions at a rate equal to or greater than the amount of emissions expected to be produced in a new project. The offset ratio is determined by the ozone air quality classification in a particular area.
one-hour ozone standard: The former indicator of air quality acceptability as it pertains to ground-level ozone. This indicator involves taking an average one-hour concentration of pollutants. An area meets the one-hour ozone NAAQS if the monitored ozone level does not exceed the standard of 0.12 ppm more than three times over a consecutive three-year period.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W| X | Y | Z
ACT: Alternative Control Techniques
APA: Administrative Procedure Act
ASM: acceleration simulation mode
BACM: best available control measures
BACT: best available control technology
CAMx: Comprehensive Air Model with Extensions
CARB: California Air Resources Board
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
CMSA: Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
CNG: compressed natural gas
CO: carbon monoxide
COAST: Coastal Oxidant Assessment for Southeast Texas
CTG: Control Technique Guidelines
DERC: discrete emission reduction credit
DFW: Dallas-Fort Worth
DPS: Texas Department of Public Safety
DV: design value
EGF: electric generating facility
EGR: exhaust gas recirculation
EI: emissions inventory
ELP: El Paso
EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency
EPN: emission point number
ERC: emission reduction credit
FACA: Federal Advisory Committee Act
FCAA: federal Clean Air Act
FIP: federal implementation plan
FMVCP: Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program
FR: Federal Register
FTE: full-time equivalent employee
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
g/hp-hr: grams per horsepower-hour
GIS: geographic information system
g/mi: grams per mile
GVWR: gross vehicle weight rating
HAP: hazardous air pollutant
HB: House Bill
HC: hydrocarbon
HDD: heavy-duty diesel
HDDV: heavy-duty diesel vehicle
HDV: heavy-duty vehicle
HGB: Houston-Galveston-Brazoria
HOV: high-occupancy vehicle
hp: horsepower
HPMS: Highway Performance Monitoring System
kg/ha: kilograms per hectare
km: kilometer
LDT: light-duty truck
LED: low emission diesel
LEV: low emission vehicle
LNG: liquefied natural gas
LSG: low sulfur gasoline
m: meter
MACT: maximum achievable control technology
MMBtu: million British thermal units
MPA: metropolitan planning area
mph: miles per hour
MY: model year
NAAQS: National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NNSR: nonattainment new source review
NOx: nitrogen oxides
NOy: nitrogen species
NSR: new source review
NWS: National Weather Service
O3: ozone
OAQPS: the EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OBD: on-board diagnostics
OSAT: Ozone Source Apportionment Technology
OTAQ: the EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality
PAMs: photochemical assessment monitoring sites
Pb: lead
PEI: periodic emissions inventory
PM: particulate matter
PM2.5: particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns
PM10: particulate matter smaller than 10 microns
ppb: parts per billion
ppm: parts per million
ppmv: parts per million by volume
psi: pounds per square inch
psia: pounds per square inch absolute
QA/QC: quality assurance / quality control
RACT: reasonably available control technology
REMI: Regional Economic Modeling, Inc.
ROP: rate of progress
rpm: revolutions per minute
RVP: Reid vapor pressure
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
SB: Senate Bill
SCC: source classification code
SIC: Standard Industrial Classification
SIP: state implementation plan
SO2: sulfur dioxide
SOx: sulfur compounds
SOCMI: Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry
SULEV: super ultra low emission vehicle
TAC: Texas Administrative Code
TCAA: Texas Clean Air Act
TCEQ: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
TCM: transportation control measure
TERP: Texas Emissions Reduction Plan
TIP: transportation implementation plan
TMCP: Texas Motorist's Choice Program
TNRCC: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (the former name for the TCEQ)
tpd: tons per day
tpy: tons per year
TSP: total suspended particulate
TTI: Texas Transportation Institute
TxDOT: Texas Department of Transportation
VID: Vehicle Identification Database
VIN: vehicle identification number
VIR: Vehicle Inspection Report
VMAS: Vehicle Mass Analysis System
VMEP: Voluntary Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Program
VMT: vehicle miles traveled
VOC: volatile organic compounds
VRF: Vehicle Repair Form
WOE: weight of evidence