TCEQ Cement Kiln Study
A study to determine the availability of new air pollution control technologies for cement kilns in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
On April 15, 2005, a settlement agreement was entered into by the TCEQ, Blue Skies Alliance, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Portland Cement Association to resolve a lawsuit brought by the Blue Skies Alliance, et al. against the EPA. As part of this settlement agreement, the TCEQ agreed to commission, in consultation with the parties to the settlement, a study to evaluate potential new air pollution control technologies for cement kilns in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) 1997 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area.
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Final Report
The cement kiln study was conducted by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), under contract to the TCEQ, to evaluate potential new air pollution control technologies for cement kilns in the DFW eight-hour ozone nonattainment area.
- Assessment of NOx Emissions Reduction Strategies for Cement Kilns-Ellis County: Final Report , ERG, Inc. (July 14, 2006)
- Revised Final Report with corrected tables and figures (August 23, 2006)
- Comments received from Jenkens and Gilchrist, representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (January 24, 2006)
- Comments received from Holcim Texas LP , Midlothian, Texas (February 6, 2006)
- Comments received from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park , North Carolina (April 10, 2006)
- Comments received from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6 , Dallas, Texas (April 10, 2006)
- Comments received from Jenkens and Gilchrist, representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (June 9, 2006) , including “The Experience of SCR at Solnhofen and its Applicability to US Cement Plants,” Schreiber, Yonley & Associates, Fenton, Missouri (June 6, 2006)
- Comments from Dr. Alfredo Armendariz , Dallas, Texas (May 30, 2006)
- Letter to Mr. Mike Eastland, Executive Director, NCTCOG, from Jenkens and Gilchrist , representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (August 16, 2006)
- Comments received from Jenkens and Gilchrist, representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (August 16, 2006) , titled “Analysis of July 31, 2006 Report Prepared by Alvaro A. Linero, P.E. Titled ‘Trip Report on SCR Experiences at Solnhofer Portland Zementwerke, Cementeria di Monselice, and ASM Brescia Waste-to-Energy Plant.’”
- Letter to Mr. David Schanbacher, Chief Engineer, TCEQ, from Jenkens and Gilchrist , representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (November 20, 2006)
- Comments received from Jenkens and Gilchrist, representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (November 20, 2006) . The following four Attachments are referenced in these comments:
- Attachment 1. The Experience of SCR at Solnhofen and its Applicability to US Cement Plants, received from Jenkens and Gilchrist, representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (November 20, 2006) (Same as #7 above)
- Attachment 2, Part 1. 2004 Solnhofen Data, received from Jenkens and Gilchrist , representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (November 20, 2006)
- Attachment 2, Part 2. 2005 Solnhofen Data, received from Jenkens and Gilchrist , representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (November 20, 2006)
- Attachment 3. Dust Loading Comparison, received from Jenkens and Gilchrist , representing the Portland Cement Association, Austin, Texas (November 20, 2006)
Settlement Agreement
The full text of the settlement agreement .
Study Team Resumes
- Ray Merrill, Ph.D.—Eastern Research Group, Inc.
- Gabriel Miller, Ph.D.—New York University
- David Gossman—Gossman Consulting, Inc.
Contract Work Orders
Mid-Course Documents
Draft Final Report
- Sections 1, 2, and 3
- Section 4
- Section 4 (part 2) and 5
- List of References
- Summary of Current Performance of NOx Control Strategies
Attorney General Determination
- Letter from L. Joseph James – Assistant Attorney General
- AG-Approved Excerpt from Draft Final Report
Cement Kiln Sensitivity Tests
- Dallas-Fort Worth 2009 Midlothian Cement Kiln Sensitivity Tests
- High Kiln Control Scenario
- Low Kiln Control Scenario
Contact Information
- Contact the Stationary Source Programs Team for additional information about cement kiln rules.