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Stakeholder Group: Flare Task Force

The Flare Task Force seeks stakeholder input on issues related to all aspects of flares.

About the Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group

The Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group is an open participation stakeholder group; therefore, anyone who wishes to join the group may attend the meetings.

The goal of the group is to seek stakeholder input on issues related to all aspects of flares. Some potential issues may include flare performance, flare operation, and flare regulation.

While the immediate focus of the group will be related to information being evaluated by the Flare Task Force, the stakeholder group will be maintained to help keep stakeholders informed and solicit comments on potential future agency actions related to flares.

Schedule of Future Meetings

No meetings are scheduled at this time.

Minutes and Agendas of Past Meetings

Past meeting agendas, minutes, and presentations may be requested by emailing with 'Past Flare Task Force Stakeholder Meeting Info' in the subject line.


The Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group is an open participation group; therefore, anyone who wishes to join the group may attend the meetings. The Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group member list will be updated periodically.

Links to Resource Documents

TCEQ 2010 Flare Study

Final Report

Draft Report

Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)

Contact Information

Join E-mail Update List

Sign up to receive e-mail updates on SIP-related information, including information on the Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group. Select SIP Hot Topics under the Air Quality heading.

Contact Program Staff

For more information, or to suggest topics for future meetings, please call the Stationary Source Programs Team or send an e-mail to with "Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group" in the subject line.