Stakeholder Group: Flare Task Force
The Flare Task Force seeks stakeholder input on issues related to all aspects of flares.
About the Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group
The Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group is an open participation stakeholder group; therefore, anyone who wishes to join the group may attend the meetings.
The goal of the group is to seek stakeholder input on issues related to all aspects of flares. Some potential issues may include flare performance, flare operation, and flare regulation.
While the immediate focus of the group will be related to information being evaluated by the Flare Task Force, the stakeholder group will be maintained to help keep stakeholders informed and solicit comments on potential future agency actions related to flares.
Schedule of Future Meetings
No meetings are scheduled at this time.
Minutes and Agendas of Past Meetings
Past meeting agendas, minutes, and presentations may be requested by emailing with 'Past Flare Task Force Stakeholder Meeting Info' in the subject line.
The Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group is an open participation group; therefore, anyone who wishes to join the group may attend the meetings. The Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group member list will be updated periodically.
Links to Resource Documents
- Flare Efficiency Study, July 1983 (EPA-600/2-83-052)
- Evaluation of the Efficiency of Industrial Flares: Test Results, May 1984 (EPA-600/2-84-095)
- Evaluation of the Efficiency of Industrial Flares: Flare Head Design and Gas Composition, September 1985 (EPA-600/2-85-106)
- Evaluation of the Efficiency of Industrial Flares: H2S Gas Mixtures and Pilot Assisted Flares, September 1986 (EPA-600/2-86-080)
- EPA Basis and Purpose Document on Specifications for Hydrogen-Fueled Flares, March 1998
- TCEQ Flare Waste Gas Flow Rate and Composition Measurement Methodologies Evaluation Document
- South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1118: Control of Emissions from Refinery Flares
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District Rule 12-11: Miscellaneous Standards of Performance - Flare Monitoring at Petroleum Refineries
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District Rule 12-12: Miscellaneous Standards of Performance - Flares at Petroleum Refineries
- TXOGA Flare Operation Discussion, April 28, 2009
- Cost Analysis of HRVOC Controls on Polymer Plants and Flares
TCEQ 2010 Flare Study
Final Report
- 2010 Flare Study Final Report
- Additional flare research projects referenced in the 2010 Flare Study Final Report
- Performance Test of a Steam-Assisted Elevated Flare with Passive FTIR, Marathon Petroleum Company, Texas Refining Division
- Performance Test of a Steam-Assisted Elevated Flare with Passive FTIR-Detroit, Marathon Petroleum Company, Detroit Refinery
- Shell Deer Park Refinery East Property Flare Performance Test Report
Draft Report
- 2010 Flare Study Draft Final Report
- Presentation: TCEQ’s 2010 Flare Study Preliminary Results
- Informal stakeholder comments submitted on the TCEQ’s 2010 Flare Study Draft Final Report and information presented at the Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group Meeting held on June 1, 2011
- Air Alliance Houston, Industry Professionals for Clean Air, and Environmental Defense Fund
- American Petroleum Institute, American Chemical Council, and National Petrochemical Refiner’s Association
- Don Weaver
- James G. Seebold
- John Zink Company
- Scott Evans
- Texas Oil and Gas Association(TxOGA) and Texas Chemical Council (TCC)
- Valero
- Explanation of the anticipated revisions to the TCEQ's 2010 Flare Study Final Report based on the informal stakeholder comments received by June 20, 2011
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
- Final 2010 Flare Study Project Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
- 2010 Flare Study Project QAPP
- Informal stakeholder comments submitted on the 2010 Flare Study QAPP
- Response to Informal Stakeholder Comments
Contact Information
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Contact Program Staff
For more information, or to suggest topics for future meetings, please call the Stationary Source Programs Team or send an e-mail to with "Flare Task Force Stakeholder Group" in the subject line.