Taking Photos of Your Old Equipment
Overview of how to take photos to meet the disposition requirements of your grant contract and examples of photos.
Photo Guidance
As part of the disposition process, grantees must take photos before and after destroying the old equipment and submit them to us along with the Disposition Form (TCEQ-20447).
Pro Tip: We recommend that you spray paint the area you intend to cut to make it as clearly visible as possible in your photos.
Replacement Projects
Grantees must take photos before and after destroying the old equipment and submit them to us. See all disposal requirements.
Before Destruction
After Destruction
Repower Projects
Grantees must take photos before and after destroying the old equipment and submit them to us.
Before Destruction
After Destruction
Using a Remanufacturing Facility
If you send the old engine to be remanufactured, the facility must be operated or authorized by the original manufacturer. You must submit documentation from the facility that validates they have received the old engine and includes the engine ID number.
Example Photos
BEFORE Destruction
Right side of equipment
Frame rails uncut
Left side of engine
Right side of engine with spray paint
AFTER Destruction
Destroyed vehicle with frame rails cut (replacement projects only)
Frame cut with spray paint (replacement projects only)
Engine block with hole 3 inches or larger
Engine block hole with spray paint and measuring tape
BEFORE Destruction
Left side of equipment
Right side of engine
Frame rails uncut
Engine block with spray paint
AFTER Destruction
Destroyed equipment with frame rails cut (replacement projects only)
Engine block with hole on one side and frame rails cut
Frame rail cut (replacement projects only)
Engine block hole and frame cut with spray paint (replacement projects only)