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Grants for Hydrogen Infrastructure, Vehicles, and Equipment

The Texas Hydrogen Infrastructure, Vehicle, and Equipment Grant Program (THIVE) provides grants in eligible counties for hydrogen vehicles, equipment, and refueling infrastructure. See below for details about eligibility and how to apply.

Currently Closed

The THIVE Program is no longer accepting applications for the FY24 grant round. Join our TERP Hot Topics email list to get updates.

Applications Selected for Funding

How to Apply

Step 1 Determine if you are eligible

Eligible applicants

Individuals, state and local governments, corporations, or any other legal entity.

Eligible projects

  • Replacing or repowering the following with hydrogen-powered models or powertrains:
    • On-road heavy-duty motor vehicles (such as transit buses, school buses, haul trucks, etc.); and
    • Non-road heavy-duty equipment (such as forklifts, cargo-handling equipment, etc.).
  • Purchasing or leasing new heavy-duty motor vehicles and non-road equipment powered by hydrogen.
  • Installing hydrogen refueling infrastructure.

Eligible areas

Review documents to ensure eligibility

Step 2 Find your emission standard (replacement or repower projects only)

Find the emission standard for your current vehicle or equipment:

If your vehicle meets certain criteria defined in the RFGA, provide the Engine Family Code and federal emissions standard:

Step 3 Estimate your potential grant amount (replacement or repower projects only)

Though not required, we recommend you use the grant estimators or technical supplements below to estimate your cost per ton of nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduction and determine how competitive your application may be. Projects with a lower cost per ton to reduce NOx and with higher reductions in total NOx emissions will score more points than other projects.

TCEQ will verify your estimates and make the final calculations for your application.

Grant Estimators

Technical Supplements

Step 5 Submit your application and supporting documentation

All required items must be completed in full to be considered for eligibility.


Submit to Only one application per email at a maximum file size of 25MB. Please note: submitting your application by standard email is not secure. To send your application securely use our FTPS site.

Please use “FY24 THIVE - [applicant legal name]” for both the application file name and the subject line of your email.


Submit securely by uploading the file to our FTPS site and selecting the share file(s) button. Enter as the email address. Please note: applications uploaded to the FTPS site without completing the share file(s) step will not be considered as submitted.

Regular Mail

Air Grants Division, MC-204 (THIVE)
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087

Express Mail

Air Grants Division, MC-204 (THIVE)
12100 Park 35 Circle
Building F, 1st Floor, Suite 1301
Austin, TX 78753

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