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Area-Source Air Emissions Standards for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities

Compliance assistance on NESHAP rules and standards for area-source emissions for gasoline dispensing facilities.

State and federal regulations are in place to control the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). A gasoline dispensing facility (GDF) may be subject to both state and federal regulations and should be aware of which requirements apply to them.

Federal regulations found in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart CCCCCC (6C) apply to area sources across the state of Texas. Reporting, record-keeping, and other requirements depend on a GDF’s monthly throughput.

Some facilities may also be subject to the emissions standards in the state rule 30 TAC Chapter 115, Subchapter C, Division 2. As of Oct. 31, 2014, owners and operators of a GDF must comply with state regulations for their Stage I vapor recovery system. Depending on monthly throughput and location, facilities are subject to Stage I record-keeping, testing, inspections, and control requirements. For a complete list of requirements for all affected counties, read the Stage I rules in 30 TAC Chapter 115, Subchapter C, Division 2 .

In most cases, if a GDF is meeting the requirements for chapter 115, they are also meeting the federal 6C requirements. However, a GDF must make sure to follow the notification requirements of 6C.

Federal rules regarding the control of HAPs are also adopted by reference in 30 TAC Chapter 113 related to Standards of Performance for Hazardous Air Pollutants and for Designated Facilities and Pollutants.

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