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What is The Advocate?

The Advocate is a periodic update on TCEQ rules, including information about compliance issues and regulatory concerns that affect small businesses and local governments. It’s produced by the TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section.

Would you like TCEQ updates on rule changes and compliance issues electronically?

It’s easy! You can sign up to receive these free updates by subscribing to GovDelivery.

What is GovDelivery and how does it work?

GovDelivery is an electronic notification system that allows you to receive updates from the TCEQ via e-mail or text message. The system allows you to select the updates you receive by topic and it’s easy to change your subscriptions or unsubscribe at any time.

How do I sign up for GovDelivery?

  1. Visit our subscription page to receive updates by email or text.
  2. Enter your email address or phone number.
  3. Look under “Rule Updates by Topic” and select the topics that are of interest to you. Topics include:
    • Municipal Solid Waste Rules
    • Petroleum Storage Tank Rules
    • Public Water System Rules
    • Landscape Irrigation Rules
    • Wastewater Rules
    • Septic System (OSSF) Rules
    • Stormwater Permits and Rules
  4. If you would like to receive notifications for all rule updates, select “The Advocate (rule updates for small businesses and local governments).”
  5. Once you have made your selections, click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
  6. You can unsubscribe any time.

Need help signing up?

The Small Business and Local Government Assistance section can help. Call us at 800-447-2827 for help signing up or other compliance questions.