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Funding is Available for the Alternative Fueling Facilities Program (AFFP)

June 2022 – TCEQ is currently accepting grant applications to fund construction of fueling facilities that provide natural gas, electric charging, and other alternative fuels.

The program has $12 million in grant funding available, with $4 million reserved for small businesses. The new or reconstructed fueling facilities must be within the Clean Transportation Zone.

Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on July 12, 2022.

AFFP grants may reimburse up to:

  • $400,000 for a compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquified natural gas (LNG) project.
  • $600,000 for a project combining CNG and
  • 50% of the total eligible project cost (with a maximum of $600,000) for fuels other than natural gas such as electricity.

AFFP projects are awarded competitively and prioritize facilities that will be open to the public. Businesses and their legal affiliates do not qualify for this grant round if they received two or more grants under TxVEMP’s DC Fast Charge program.

  • See the AFFP webpage for detailed eligibility requirements and how to apply for a grant.

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