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TCEQ hosts the Advanced Air Permitting Seminar

August 2022 - Please join us at the Advanced Air Permitting Seminar on Tuesday, October 18, 2022!

Are you a professional engineer, professional geoscientist, consultant, or environmental manager who works with a facility that has air permits? This seminar is right for you!

Our knowledgeable staff will present updates on air permitting rules, requirements, and other topics of interest. Hear case studies, follow a fugitive workbook walkthrough, and more.

You may attend in-person at the UT Commons Conference Center in Austin, Texas or participate online using Microsoft Teams Live.

Self-reporting licensees (including professional engineers and professional geoscientists) can earn up to 5.75 continuing education hours for attending.

Registration Information

Early bird registration has already begun. Register today to see the savings until September 21st:

$149 in person. In-person attendees will receive morning and afternoon break refreshments, enjoy a hot meal for lunch and a special luncheon presentation.

$89 Virtual. Many of the same sessions, available online in your office!

Please visit the event website for detailed information on the location, agenda, and hotel room block.

Email us at with any questions. We hope to see you at the seminar!