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Border 2025's Amistad Task Force

One of the three task forces of the Four-State Regional Workgroup in the binational Border 2025 Program is the Amistad Task Force, in the northwestern portion of the region.

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The Amistad Task Force is one of three sub-regional groups in the Four-State Regional Workgroup in the U.S.-Mexico Border 2025 Environmental Program (successor to Border 2020), which is a partnership among the U.S. EPA, Mexico’s SEMARNAT (the counterpart to EPA), the ten border states in the two countries, and U.S. border tribes. The Amistad Task Force covers Val Verde, Kinney, and Maverick Counties in Texas and the Municipalities of Nava, Acuña, and Piedras Negras in Coahuila.

Amistad Task Force Co-Leaders

Tribal Co-Chair:

Juan Garza Jr. Kisika 

Chairman Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas 


Honorable Rolando Salinas 
Mayor of Eagle Pass, Texas

Diana Susana Estens de la Garza            Secretariat of Environment of Coahuila 

Committees of the Amistad Task Force

The task force has established two subject-specific committees. Each committee has a U.S. co-facilitator and a Mexican co-facilitator.


U.S. Co-Facilitator(s)

Mexican Co-Facilitator
Waste Committee

Sergio Garcia                                          Eagle Pass Public Works 

Matias Eloy Rivera
Depto de Ecologia, Cd. Acuña, Coahuila
Environmental Education & Health

 Jose Gallegos, Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas                   

Victor Manuel Ibarra                                                 Instituto Tecnólogico de Piedras Negras

Emergency Preparedness

Manuel Mello,                                   

Fire Chief, City of Eagle Pass

Cesar Augusto González                

Proteccion Civil Coahuila 

The Amistad Task Force has met periodically, established its priorities related to the goals and objectives of the Border 2025 Program , and developed projects to address those priorities.

Other Information about the Border Region