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Request Compliance History Information

Explains how to request and receive compliance history information.

In addition to searching our Compliance History Database for the classification of a specific customer or regulated entity (the facility or activity regulated by state environmental rules), you may request a current list showing all compliance histories available from us.

This list is available online in ASCII format. You may download the ASCII file for free. The information contained in this file represents the Compliance History information as of November 15, 2024. The Compliance History Database is updated periodically to incorporate changes that have resulted from correction requests that may be submitted to TCEQ throughout the year or appeals. We encourage you to consult the Compliance History Database to view the most recent and most accurate information regarding a customer or regulated entity’s compliance history.


Getting a Copy by Mail

To request a copy, e-mail or call us at 512/239-2545. Be sure to give us the following information:

  • your complete mailing address; and
  • a phone number or e-mail address we can use to contact you if we need more information to satisfy your request.

If you e-mail your request, we will respond within five working days. We will charge a fee to cover the cost of producing and mailing your electronic copy.


Downloading the Current List

There is no charge for downloading this ASCII file of all compliance histories statewide, grouped by county. (Help with Downloading Files.) For information that will help you use this file, see:

Technical Characteristics

In this file, data extracted from a table is presented as follows:

  • To shorten your download time, the file is compressed in ZIP format.
  • Still, the file is large (about 13 MB).
  • When unzipped, the file is in ASCII text format and takes about 85 MB of disk space.
  • This file contains over 300,000 records and can be imported into a standard database program.
  • In the text file, a hard return separates each row of data.
  • Within each row, a “pipe” character (which looks like this: |) separates each data element.
  • There are no column labels in the text file. See "Order of Data" for an explanation.


Order of Data

In this file, each row of data contains information about a customer, a regulated entity that the customer is affiliated with, and the customer’s record of compliance at that particular regulated entity.

  • The first six data elements in a row pertain to one customer. These elements will be the same in any row that is about the same customer:
    • the reference number for this customer in our databases (= CN + 9 digits)
    • the customer’s name
    • the customer’s overall compliance history rating, taking into account all regulated entities the customer is affiliated with
    • the customer’s overall classification
    • the date the overall rating and classification were determined
    • the date the overall rating and classification were posted to the online database
  • The next five data elements identify a regulated entity that is associated with that customer (for example, a business that the customer owns or operates). If two different customers are affiliated with the same regulated entity, these four elements will be the same for those two customers:
    • the reference number for this regulated entity in our databases (= RN + 9 digits)
    • Name of the regulated entity
    • the city in which the regulated entity is located (or the nearest city)
    • the county in which the regulated entity is located
    • TCEQ Region that includes this county
  • The next four data elements tell about this customer’s compliance history at this particular regulated entity. These four elements can be different for different customers who are affiliated with the same regulated entity. They also can be different from this customer’s overall compliance history data:
    • Customer’s compliance history rating, considering only this regulated entity
    • Customer’s classification, considering only this regulated entity
    • Date this rating and classification were determined
    • Date this rating and classification were posted to online database
  • The last two data elements tell about the primary types of business activities conducted at the regulated entity. These are based upon North American Industry Classification System codes or Standard Industrial Classification codes, as provided by the customer:
    • any NAICS codes provided by the customer for this regulated entity
    • any SIC codes provided by the customer for this regulated entity

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