Investigations and Compliance Assistance
We conduct investigations throughout the state to ensure compliance with state environmental regulations—and we also offer assistance to those we regulate to help them comply.
Investigation Checklists
We use checklists in investigations related to specific rules, regulations, and permits.
Field Citations
The field citation is intended to promote a quick resolution for any of the field citation-eligible violations documented during a TCEQ investigation, while offering a reduced penalty.
Environmental Crime
We provide technical support and criminal investigative expertise in multi-agency investigations. We also serve as a resource for—and provide training to—local, state, and federal law enforcement officers on criminal environmental violations.
Dam Safety Program
We monitor and regulate both private and public dams in Texas. We periodically inspect dams that pose a high or significant hazard and make recommendations and reports to dam owners to help them maintain safe facilities.
TexasEnviroHelp: Small Business and Local Government Assistance
We offer resources specifically tailored to help small businesses and local governments comply with environmental regulations.
Air Regulatory Compliance Assistance
Technical guidance for compliance with regulations on air quality, including Title V deviation reporting, permit compliance certification, emissions evaluation, and stack testing.
- Emission Evaluation & Stack Testing for Air Quality
TCEQ and EPA resources for stack emission testing and performance evaluation of stationary sources for state and federal air quality compliance.
Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative
This voluntary program encourages corrective action for this type of unauthorized discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater before it reaches a wastewater treatment facility.