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Enforcement Process and Actions

We enforce compliance with the state’s environmental laws. Find information on our enforcement process and activities.

The Enforcement Process: from Violations to Actions

The various phases of action that can occur when environmental violations are found. Includes discussion of notices of violation, notices of enforcement, agreed orders.

Enforcement Actions and Reports

Monthly and annual reports on TCEQ enforcement activities, including a list of all orders and their corresponding penalties. Track the status of enforcement actions that are currently open.

Enforcement Policies and Procedures

Our policies on penalties, notices of violation, findings orders, and investigating nuisance odors.

Compliance History

How we assess the compliance histories of regulated entities. View the rankings of their compliance with enforcement actions when applicable.

Supplemental Environmental Projects

SEPs are environmentally beneficial projects that a respondent agrees to undertake in settlement of an enforcement action. Dollars directed to TCEQ-approved SEPs may be used to offset assessed penalties.

Petroleum Storage Tank Defaults

Our policy of revoking a PST delivery certificate if a respondent defaults in a PST enforcement case.