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Field Citation Program

The field citation is intended to promote a quick resolution for any of the field citation-eligible violations documented during a TCEQ investigation, while offering a reduced penalty.

The Field Citation (FC) program was originally approved as a pilot on March 13, 2006 (one of many recommendations resulting from TCEQ’s enforcement process review). During the April 27, 2007 Commissioner’s Work Session, TCEQ commissioners voted to shift TCEQ’s FC program from a pilot to a permanent program.

In response to the approved Penalty Policy revision at the September 28, 2011 Work Session, the FC program was revisited.  The Field Citation Program was revised to reflect changes in the statutory maximum penalties and to enhance the violations that were association with the program.  This was approved at the November 2, 2011 Commission agenda.

The program includes only violations that were determined by the commission to be “clear cut” and able to be easily corrected to help make the enforcement process more efficient for both TCEQ and the regulated entity involved.

The field citation is intended to promote a quick resolution for any of the field citation-eligible violations documented during a TCEQ investigation, while offering a reduced penalty as compared to a penalty calculated through the traditional enforcement process.

The Field Citation covers violations in the following programs:

  • Petroleum Storage Tank (PST)
  • (PST) Stage I and II vapor recovery
  • Storm water (industrial and construction)
  • Occupational Licenses
  • Dry Cleaners
  • Landscape Irrigation
  • On-site Sewage Facilities
  • Outdoor Burning
  • Nuisance Dumping, and
  • Water Rights

Click on the two example forms below to see the list of specific violations

Questions? Call (512) 239-0400, or email