Title V Post-Permit Compliance: Forms, Instructions, and Guidance
Find forms, instructions, and a link to guidance on deviation reporting and permit compliance certification.
The following are forms related to reporting deviations and certifying compliance with an issued Title V Operating Permit.
Forms and Instructions
Deviation Report [Form TCEQ-10101]
- PDF form or DOC form Added Part 2 DevRep for 30 TAC Chapter 101 non-reportable emission events only.
- Instructions: Only mail two copies to Regional office with jurisdiction. Copy to central office no longer required. Added instructions for Part 2 DevRep for 30 TAC Chapter 101 non-reportable emission events only.
Permit Compliance Certification [Form TCEQ-10490]
- Form Parts 1-3 (PDF file that can be saved)
- Form Parts 1 (Protected Word doc file that can be saved)
- Form Parts 2 and 3
- Instructions Mailing instructions change: only mail to US EPA and two copies to Regional office with jurisdiction. Specific EPA address provided. Copy to central office no longer required.
- Responsible Official forms Certification by Responsible Official - OP-CRO1, Change of Responsible Official Information OP-CRO2, and Delegation of Responsible Official OP-DEL forms can be found at this web page. A properly completed OP-CRO1 form is required for any submission of DevRep or PCC forms. Note: for DevRep and PCC forms certification by responsible official, only use Part 1 of the OP-CRO1.
Title V Deviation Reporting and Permit Compliance Certification Guidance (This replaces the April 2011 guidance.)