Radioactive Materials Licensing
Downloads folder for Radioactive Materials Licensing
Party State Compact Waste Disposal Contract Waste Control Specialists LLC Certification of Compliance with Statutes and Regulations relating to Contracts
Nonparty Compact Waste Disposal Contract Waste Control Specialists LLC Certification of Compliance with Statutes and Regulations relating to Contracts
Instructions for Submittal of Low Level Radioactive Waste Contracts
Minimum pricing guidance to ensure nonparty disposal contract fees meet the minimum price requirement (Texas Health & Safety Code 401.2456).
Nonparty Compact Waste Disposal Contract Customer Certification of Compliance with Statutes and Regulations relating to Contracts
Texas Compact Waste Shipment Verification Form and Instructions
Use this form to submit the application fee payment for a radioactive materials license, per Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), section 336.105.
General Application for Radioactive Material License
Downloads folder for RML Pending Permits Application Notices and Info
Plain Language Summary in English for the Chocolate Bayou Plant RW0219
The Plain Language Summary for Alta Mesa R05360 in English
Plain Language Summary for the Chocolate Bayou Plant in English RW0219
Plain Language Summary for the Chocolate Bayou Plant in Spanish