Underground Injection Control
Downloads folder
PIU Permit Streamlining Fact Sheet created after PIU rule streamlining.
Basic Guidelines for Mechanical Integrity Tests for Class I Underground Injection Wells, Waste Disposal Wells, and Related Cased Hole Wireline Logging
UIC Class I Injection Well Application for underground injection wells permitted by TCEQs Underground Injection Control Permits Section. TCEQ-0623 UIC Class I Injection Well Application, Revised November 1, 2022.
This application is designed as a supplement to a Class I injection well permit application to meet the requirements for Permit by Rule for the owner or operator of a facility with hazardous waste injection well(s) that is not required to obtain a RCRA permit for other units at the facility. For the purpose of implementing corrective action under 30 TAC §335.167, facility is defined in 30 TAC §335.1(61)(B).
Spanish Notice of Receipt and Intent to obtain a new, amendment, and or renewal of a Class I UIC hazardous waste permit.
Permit application for a person (individual, corporation or other legal entity) who intends to operate an underground injection activity to recover sodium sulfate from subsurface deposits must obtain a permit pursuant to the Texas Water Code, Chapter 27.
An application for a person proposing to conduct in-situ mining of uranium from subsurface deposits must obtain an Area Permit and production area authorization pursuant to the Texas Water Code (TWC), Chapter 27.
To produce uranium from subsurface deposits, an operator must obtain an Area Permit and production area authorization (PAA) pursuant to the Texas Water Code (TWC), Chapter 27. If the operator of the facility is not the owner, then the operator shall be the applicant for an Area Permit.
Form used to provide information for each uranium area permit development well registered in accordance with the requirements of 30 TAC 331.221 Subchapter M.
Well data report for industrial and municipal injection wells.
TCEQ agency study 218 Arsenic Mobilization during ASR.
TCEQ Agency Study-219 Treatment of Injected Water at ASR Sites.
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance for determining if gauges and recorders are in good working order.
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on the discrepancies allowed between the actual recordkeeping data and monthly self-reporting values.
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on what "continuous" means in the context of monitoring and recording specific parameters.
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on emergency reporting requirements as found in 30 TAC §331.65(b)(5).
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on how to report annulus pressure differential in the quarterly/monthly injection reporting forms.
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on monitoring requirements for a well that is temporarily abandoned or has ceased injection operations temporarily.
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on the elimination of state UIC program enforcement of EPA's land disposal restriction (LDR) exemption conditions.
This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on the division of responsibilities between TCEQ staff and well operators concerning financial assurance for plugging and abandonment of a well.