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Underground Injection Control

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UIC Class I Injection Well Application for underground injection wells permitted by TCEQs Underground Injection Control Permits Section. TCEQ-0623 UIC Class I Injection Well Application, Revised November 1, 2022.

This application is designed as a supplement to a Class I injection well permit application to meet the requirements for Permit by Rule for the owner or operator of a facility with hazardous waste injection well(s) that is not required to obtain a RCRA permit for other units at the facility. For the purpose of implementing corrective action under 30 TAC §335.167, facility is defined in 30 TAC §335.1(61)(B).

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance for determining if gauges and recorders are in good working order.

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on the discrepancies allowed between the actual recordkeeping data and monthly self-reporting values.

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on what "continuous" means in the context of monitoring and recording specific parameters.

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on emergency reporting requirements as found in 30 TAC §331.65(b)(5).

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on how to report annulus pressure differential in the quarterly/monthly injection reporting forms.

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on monitoring requirements for a well that is temporarily abandoned or has ceased injection operations temporarily.

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on the elimination of state UIC program enforcement of EPA's land disposal restriction (LDR) exemption conditions.

This is a Class I injection well technical peer review document to provide guidance on the division of responsibilities between TCEQ staff and well operators concerning financial assurance for plugging and abandonment of a well.