MSW Forms
Downloads folder for MSW Forms
Use this form to notify the TCEQ of your intent to operate an on-site treatment unit for medical waste or of changes to an existing facility.
Use this form to apply for a registration to operate a storage, transfer, or treatment facility for medical waste received from off-site sources.
Fill out and submit this form after completing closure activities for a processing facility, or post-closure care activities for a landfill facility.
Registered and permitted compost facilities are required to test final product and report the information.
Use this form to notify TCEQ of your intent to operate a low-volume transfer station.
Use this form to notify TCEQ of your intent to operate a citizens’ collection station.
Form for use by applicants or site operators of Type I landfills to detail the plan for closure of a landfill unit, closure of associated storage or processing units, and final closure of the facility.
Instructions for filling out closure plan form for MSW Type I landfills.
Form for providing cost estimates for closure of MSW Type I landfills.
Form for landfill unit or final facility post-closure care closure plans.
Instructions for filling out post-closure care plan form for MSW Type I landfills.
Form for providing post-closure care cost estimates for post-closure care of MSW Type I landfills.
Form for providing information about adequacy of roads, volume of vehicular traffic generated by a facility, and coordination information.
Form for TCEQ to document inspection of a municipal solid waste management landfill facility before issuing or amending a permit, to confirm information included in the permit application.
Form for providing information for Part II of a landfill permit application.
Form for detailing waste acceptance plan in Part II of a Type I or Type IAE landfill application.
Form for detailing waste acceptance plan in Part II of a Type IV or Type IVAE landfill application.
Application form for landfill mining registration.
Use this form to apply for a new registration, or modify an existing registration to compost municipal sewage sludge, positively-sorted organic material, source-separated organic material, diapers, or sludge byproduct of paper production.
Use this form to apply for a new permit, or to amend an existing permit for a composting operation that composts mixed municipal solid waste or grease trap waste.