42. Houston-Galveston Region: Recreational Uses
Downloads folder for 42. Houston-Galveston Region: Recreational Uses
A scientific report detailing the development of eight total maximum daily loads for bacteria in Greens Bayou Above Tidal and tributaries. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Greens Bayou Above Tidal and tributaries
A scientific report detailing the development of four total maximum daily loads for bacteria in Halls Bayou and tributaries (Segments 1006D, 1006I and 1006J). These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Halls Bayou and tributaries
A scientific report detailing the development of one total maximum daily load for bacteria in Jarbo Bayou. This TMDL is used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of bacteria in wastewater or stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Jarbo Bayou.
A scientific report detailing the development of fifteen total maximum daily loads for bacteria in watersheds upstream of Lake Houston. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Watersheds Upstream of Lake Houston.
A report of scientific information detailing the first addendum to an existing fifteen total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in watersheds upstream of Lake Houston. This addendum adds six total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in watersheds upstream of Lake Houston.
A report of scientific information detailing the second addendum to an existing fifteen total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in watersheds upstream of Lake Houston. This addendum adds two total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Brushy Creek and Spring Branch.
A report of scientific information detailing the third addendum to an existing fifteen total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in watersheds upstream of Lake Houston. This addendum adds one total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Walnut Creek.
A scientific report detailing the development of seven total maximum daily loads for bacteria in Lake Houston, East Fork San Jacinto River, West Fork San Jacinto River, and Crystal Creek Watersheds. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in in Lake Houston, East Fork San Jacinto River, West Fork San Jacinto River, and Crystal Creek Watersheds.
A report of scientific information detailing the first addendum to an existing seven total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Lake Houston, East Fork San Jacinto River, West Fork San Jacinto River, and Crystal Creek watersheds. This addendum adds one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Mound Creek.
A scientific report detailing the development of four total maximum daily loads for bacteria in Sims Bayou Above Tidal and a tributary (Segments 1007D and 1007N). These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Sims Bayou and tributary.
A report of scientific information detailing the first addendum to an existing four total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Sims Bayou Above Tidal and tributaries. This addendum adds one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Canal C-147.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of one total maximum daily load for bacteria in Armand Bayou (Segment 1113).
A scientific analysis and report to support development of six total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Armand Bayou.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Horsepen Creek.