42. Houston-Galveston Region: Recreational Uses
Downloads folder for 42. Houston-Galveston Region: Recreational Uses
A scientific analysis and report to support development of one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Walnut Creek.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of two total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Brushy Creek and Spring Branch.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads for bacteria in Upper and Lower Panther Branch, Bear Branch and Peach Creek Watersheds (Segments 1008B, 1008C, 1008E and 1011).
A scientific analysis and report to support development of fifteen total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Lake Houston watershed.
A scientific report detailing monitoring data related to bacteria impairments in the Lake Houston watershed.
The results of a synoptic sampling survey conducted in November 2007
A report detailing a monitoring plan to support development of total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Lake Houston watershed.
A scientific report detailing bacteria and flow data, impairment verification, and the development of preliminary flow duration curves and load duration curves in support of total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Lake Houston watershed.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of one addendum total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Mound Creek.
A sceintific document providing technical documentation and supporting information for developing the bacteria TMDLs for the Lake Houston, East Fork & West Fork San Jacinto River, and Crystal Creek Watershed.
A scientific report used to develop one total maximum daily load to reduce indicator bacteria in one assessment unit (AU 1010_03) of Caney Creek. Caney Creek flows into Lake Houston in the San Jacinto River Basin and its watershed covers portions of Montgomery and Walker counties.
A report of scientific information required to develop a total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Whiteoak Bayou and Buffalo Bayou.
An addendum to an existing Fifteen TMDLs for Indicator Bacteria in Watersheds Upstream of Lake Houston which adds One TMDL for Indicator Bacteria in Caney Creek.
A draft report of scientific information required to develop one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in White Oak Creek.
Addendum submitted in the January 2023 Update to the WQMP. EPA approved it in May 2023.
Draft Technical Support Document for One Total Maximum Daily Load for Indicator Bacteria in Jarbo Bayou
Technical Support Document for One Total Maximum Daily Load for Indicator Bacteria in Winters Bayou
Addendum One to One Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria in Jarbo Bayou
Addendum Three to Seven Total Maximum Daily Loads for Indicator Bacteria in Lake Houston, East Fork San Jacinto River, West Fork San Jacinto River, and Crystal Creek Watersheds