42. Houston-Galveston Region: Recreational Uses
Downloads folder for 42. Houston-Galveston Region: Recreational Uses
A scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in Rolling Fork Creek.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of new/additional total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Houston-Metro area.
Appendix A for a scientific analysis and report to support development of new/additional total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Houston-Metro area.
Appendix B for a scientific analysis and report to support development of new/additional total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Houston-Metro area.
Appendix C for a scientific analysis and report to support development of new/additional total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Houston-Metro area.
Appendix D of the 2012 technical support document for total maximum daily loads for bacteria for new/additional listings in the Houston Metro Area. This appendix details the general methods for estimating flow at water quality monitoring stations.
Appendix E of the 2012 technical support document for total maximum daily loads for bacteria for new/additional listings in the Houston Metro Area. This appendix details the general methods for estimating flow at water quality monitoring stations.
Technical analysis and report supporting development of total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in six water bodies in the Clear Creek watershed in the Houston-Galveston region.
Appendices related to a scientific report for supporting development of total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Buffalo Bayou and Whiteoak Bayou.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of one addendum total maximum daily load to reduce indicator bacteria in Mary's Creek Bypass.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix A for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix B for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix C for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix D for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix E for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix F for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix G for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix H for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.
Appendix I for a scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Clear Creek watershed in Houston, Texas.