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Source Water Protection

Resources for public water systems to identify and implement measures that will protect their sources of drinking water from contamination.

Source Water Protection is a voluntary program that helps public water systems protect their drinking water sources. Locally controlled and implemented, a source water protection program is designed to protect drinking water sources from potential contamination. The following items are provided to assist public water systems in developing a source water protection program:

How to become involved in a Source Water Protection Program?
Find out how your public water system can participate in the Source Water Protection Program and how easy it is to join. Or contact the Drinking Water Special Functions Section for more information.

Source Water Assessment
The TCEQ is required by the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments to assess every public drinking water source for susceptibility to certain chemical constituents. The resulting source water susceptibility assessment reports provided to public water systems are then used to implement local source water protection projects. The assessment results also contribute to information contained in the Consumer Confidence Reports.

Source Water Assessment and Protection: What's the Connection?
This page explains the important interconnections between these two aspects of protecting public water supplies. 

Protect Your Water Source - GI-604
This brochure includes the definition of source water, how it can become contaminated, some easy things homeowners and individuals can do to help, and background and contact information for the Source Water Protection Program and the Drinking Water Inventory and Protection Team.

SWAP Program Strategy
The EPA-approved strategy developed by the TCEQ for source water assessment and protection in Texas.

SWAP sign
TCEQ-approved sign for designating a source water protection area.

GPS Tools for Public Water System Professionals
Tools for using global positioning system technology in assessing and maintaining your public water system.