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Commonly Used Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations in documents about managing water supply or drinking water operations.


Abbreviation Term
ACR alternative capacity requirement
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
AWWA American Water Works Association
BACTI samples taken to test for bacteria
BARF bond application report format
BF baffling factor
BPAT backflow prevention assembly tester OR backflow prevention assembly test
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BTR before technical review
BWN boil water notice
CCEDS Consolidated Compliancy and Enforcement Data System
CCI comprehensive compliance investigation
CCR consumer confidence report
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
CFE combined filter effluent
CIAC contribution in aid of construction
CIFA Council of Infrastructure Finance Agencies
CLA chloramine
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CN customer number
COG Council of Governments
COS Cost of Service
CPE Comprehensive Performance Evaluation
CRG Community Resource Group
CSI customer service inspection
CT concentration time
CWIP construction work in progress
DBP disinfection by-product
DBP1 Stage 1 Disinfection By-Product Rule
DBP2 Stage 2 Disinfection By-Product Rule
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DCP drought contingency planning
DD drainage districts
DEM Texas' Department of Emergency Management
DPR direct potable reuse
DSHS Texas Department of State Health Services
DWAWG Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup
DWSRF Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
DZ disinfection zone
EDAP Economically Distressed Areas Program
EP entry point
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPP Emergency Preparedness Plan
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ERP emergency response plan
EST elevated storage tank
ETJ extra territorial jurisdiction
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board
FCL free chlorine (Cl2)
FOD Field Operations Division
FWSD fresh water supply district
GAAP generally accepted accounting principles
GAM groundwater availability model
GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board
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GCD groundwater conservation district
GIS geographic information system
GMA groundwater management area
GPM gallons per minute
GPS Global Positioning System
GST ground storage tank
GUI groundwater under the influence of surface water
GW groundwater
GWD groundwater district
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HAA haloacetic acid
HAA5 haloacetic acid (sum of 5 HAAs)
HDT hydraulic detention time
ID irrigation district
IDSE initial distribution system evaluation
IFE individual filter effluent
IGR Intergovernmental Relations
IOU investor-owned utility
IR inactivation ratio
IUP intended use plan
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IWSCOT Independent Water and Sewer Companies of Texas
iWDD Integrated Water District Database
LCR Lead and Copper Rule
LCRI Lead and Copper Rule Improvements
LCRR Lead and Copper Rule Revisions
LID levee improvement district
LSL lead service line
LSLI lead service line inventory
LSLR lead service line replacement
LT1 Stage 1 Long-Term Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
LT2 Stage 2 Long-Term Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
LTESWTR Long-Term Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
MCL maximum contaminant level
MGD million gallons per day
MHI median household income
MMD municipal management district
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MOR monthly operating report
MOU memorandum of understanding
M/R monitoring and reporting
MRDL maximum residual disinfectant level
MSR municipal subdivision rules
MUD municipal utility district
NARUC National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
NAWC National Association of Water Companies
NOD notice of deficiency
NOE notice of enforcement
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NOV notice of violation
NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
NRWA National Rural Water Association
NSF National Sanitation Federation
NTNC non-transient non-community
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit
O&M operation and maintenance
OAG Office of Attorney General
OCLD original cost less depreciation
ORCA Office of Rural Community Affairs
OWQP optimal water quality parameter
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PDW public drinking water
PE Professional Engineer or performance evaluation
PGMA priority groundwater management area
PI plumbing inspector
POU point of use
POE point of entry
PSA public service announcement
psi pounds per square inch
PT pressure tank
PUC Public Utility Commission
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PW purchased water
PWS public water system
RA river authority
RAA running annual average
RG regulatory guidance
RN regulated entity number
RWPG regional water planning group
SCE sanitary control easement
SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act
SOS Secretary of State
SL service line
SOWT source water treatment
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SP service pump OR standpipe
STM sale, transfer, merger
SUD special utility district
SW surface water
SWMOR surface water monthly operating report
SWP source water protection
SWTP surface water treatment plant
SWTR surface water treatment rule
T10 effective contact time—the time in which 10% of a tracer material will have passed through a unit process.
TAC Texas Administrative Code
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TDHCA Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
TDLR Texas Department of Licensing & Registration (Well Driller's Board)
TDS total dissolved solids
TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service
THM trihalomethane
TMDL total maximum daily load
TNC transient non-community
TNRIS Texas Natural Resources Information System
T/O taste and odor
TOC total organic carbon
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TOCMOR Total Organic Carbon Monthly Operating Report
TPWD Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
TRWA Texas Rural Water Association
TSBPE Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners
TT treatment technique
TTHM total trihalomethanes
TWC Texas Water Code
TWCA Texas Water Conservation Association
TWDB Texas Water Development Board
TWUA Texas Water Utility Association
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TxDOT Texas Department of Transportation
USDA-RUS-RD US Department of Agriculture, Rural Utility Service, Rural Development
USGS United States Geological Survey
UV ultraviolet
VA vulnerability assessment
WCID water control and improvement district
WDD Water District Database
WQP water quality parameter
WSC water supply corporation
WSPS water supply protection specialist
WTP or WTF water treatment plant OR water treatment facility
WWTP or WWTF wastewater treatment plant OR wastewater treatment facility

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