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Public Water System Monitoring Plans and Lab Approval

Information about public water system monitoring plans and lab approval.

All public water systems are required to develop a monitoring plan, including all community, transient. and non-transient water systems. The plans are a system-specific document which demonstrates that the water quality monitoring performed by the system is representative of the water distributed to consumers and is consistent with regulatory requirements.

Monitoring Plan Requirements by System Type

Systems that treat surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GUI) are required to send a copy of their monitoring plan to the TCEQ for approval. A copy of the plan should be kept at each treatment plant, as well as a central location.

Systems that use groundwater or purchased water are not required to send a copy of the monitoring plan to TCEQ, but must keep the plan on file for review by the TCEQ investigator during routine comprehensive compliance investigations (sanitary survey), or must provide a copy of the plan to TCEQ upon request. A copy of the plan should be kept at each treatment plant, as well as a central location. PWSs are required to have a copy of the monitoring plan available during appointments with the TCEQ's Sample Collection Contractor.

Use the following templates to help you develop your monitoring plan.

Groundwater and Purchase Water Monitoring Plan Template

Surface Water and Groundwater Under the Influence of Surface Water (GUI) Monitoring Plan Template


Water systems are required to submit changes to the Monitoring Plan to the TCEQ within thirty (30) calendar days following the effective date of the change. Revisions may be submitted separately, only if one part of the plan is affected by the change.

Submittal to TCEQ

Submit one copy of the completed Monitoring Plan Plan and associated documents, such as the RTCR Sample Siting Plan and Lab Approval Form (see below), to or to:

Monitoring Plans, MC-155
Drinking Water Special Functions Section
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087

Drinking Water Lab Approval Form

Every public water system that analyzes one or more of the analytes listed below to determine compliance with TCEQ public drinking water requirements must have their Drinking Water Laboratory Approval Form (TCEQ-10450) approved by the TCEQ. This includes data submitted for treatment technique requirements, water quality parameters under the Lead and Copper Rule and minimum/maximum residual disinfectant levels. Check the list of Approved PWS Drinking Water Labs to see if your PWS has been approved. To request approval, email the form to This form must be included with the PWS’s monitoring plant.

Analyses available for approval by the Water Supply Division include:

  • Alkalinity
  • Calcium
  • Chlorine (Free or Total)
  • Chlorine Dioxide
  • Chlorite (at entry point)
  • Conductivity
  • Orthophosphate
  • pH
  • Silica
  • Temperature
  • Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
  • Turbidity
  • UV254

Commercial Laboratories

A laboratory is considered commercial if it performs any of the analyses included under laboratory approval for any outside entity. Commercial labs must be approved in order to run approved analyses for public water systems. Demonstration of capability is a requirement for Commercial Lab Approval. Check the List of Approved Commercial Drinking Water Labs to see if your PWS has been approved to analyze analytes for outside entities.

Drinking Water Methods

Analyses must be completed using analytical methods that are acceptable to the EPA. Select the method you use to measure each analyte (for example: Standard Method Cl-4500D). If you use an analyzer, include this on the form as well (for example: Hach 1720D). For a list of acceptable methods, see Table 1 on the lab approval form for reference.


If you have any questions about the Lab Approval form contact the Lab Approval program at or (512) 239-4691.