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Innovative or Proactive Water System Award

Criteria for this award program, how to qualify for this award, link to the application form, and link to previous recipients.

This award recognizes public water systems (PWS) that have used creative and effective ways to improve their operations, achieve compliance, or better serve their customers.

Public Drinking Water Recognition Application Form


For a public water system to be recognized as an Innovative or Proactive System, the system must meet at least one of these criterion:

  • Developed a new method of resolving an existing problem within water operations.
  • Resolved an operation issue through its own recognizance.
  • Developed an innovative approach to enhance safety operations.
  • Used a new technology or operating process that resulted in achieving potable water quality that exceeds federal and state requirements.
  • Took a proactive approach to public education or outreach.
  • Uses a new technology or operating process that resulted in potable water quality that exceeds federal and state requirements.
  • The PWS has not received this award previously for the current proposed innovative technology or process.

How can my PWS become eligible for this award?

Be creative! Each of the past award recipients came up with an innovative way to go beyond the minimum required action to resolve a problem they encountered or to meet a regulatory requirement. Review the Criteria, choose one Criterion, and submit supporting documentation for your chosen Criterion.

Your water system might already have a program that qualifies it for this award. If you think so, complete an application for this award now or contact our Emergency Preparedness and Response staff and ask to speak to the Public Drinking Water Awards Recognition Program manager.

Previous Award Recipients