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TCEQ-Approved Products for On-Site Sewage Facilities (Septic Systems)

TCEQ-approved on-site sewage facility (septic system) products for use in Texas.

Manufacturer Trade Name Model Number Category
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. SB2 SB-2 Gravel-less Pipe
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. ARC Model ARC 24 Leaching Chambers
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. ARC Model ARC 36 Leaching Chambers
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. ARC Model ARC 36LP Leaching Chambers
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. BioDiffuser BioDiffuser Leaching Chambers
American Manufacturing Company Perc-Rite Perc Rite Drip System Drip Irrigation
Cultec, Inc. Contactor Contactor 75 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Contactor Contactor 100 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Contactor Contactor 125 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Cultec Field Drain Panel System C-1 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Cultec Field Drain Panel System C-2 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Cultec Field Drain Panel System C-3 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Cultec Field Drain Panel System C-4 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Recharger Recharger 180 Leaching Chambers
Cultec, Inc. Recharger Recharger 330 Leaching Chambers
Hancor, Inc. Hancor Gravel-less Pipe Hancor Gravel-less Pipe Gravel-less Pipe
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator EQ 24 Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator EQ 36 Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator HI-CAP Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator Standard Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator Quick4 Standard Chamber Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator Quick4 Plus Standard Low Profile Chamber Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator Quick4 Equalizer 24 Chamber Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator Quick4 Equalizer 36 Chamber Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator Quick4 Plus Equalizer 36 Low Profile Chamber Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Infiltrator Infiltrator Quick4 High Capacity Chamber Leaching Chambers
Infiltrator Systems, Inc. EZflow 1003-T Triangular Configuration Only Other
JNM Technologies, Inc. Drip-Tech Drip-Tech Drip Irrigation
Plastic Tubing Industries, Inc. PTI PTI 8 inch Gravel-less Pipe Gravel-less Pipe
Plastic Tubing Industries, Inc. PTI MPS-11 Other
Plastic Tubing Industries, Inc. PTI MPS-13 Other
Prinsco Water Management Solutions Prinsco Pro Prinsco Pro 4TM/36 Leaching Chambers

Manufacturer Trade Name Model Number Capacity
Bear Onsite Bear Onsite ML3-910 Contact Manufacturer
Bear Onsite Bear Onsite ML3-916 Contact Manufacturer
Bear Onsite Bear Onsite ML3-925 Contact Manufacturer
Bear Onsite Bear Onsite ML3-932 Contact Manufacturer
Bear Onsite Bear Onsite ML3-948 Contact Manufacturer
Bear Onsite Bear Onsite ML3-964 Contact Manufacturer
Clarus Environmental Clarus P/N 170-0078 Contact Manufacturer
Clarus Environmental Clarus P/N 5000-0007 Contact Manufacturer
Norweco, Inc. BK 2000 BK 2000 Wastewater Management System 1500
Polylok, Inc. Polylok PL - 68 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok PL - 122 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok PL - 525 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok PL - 625 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 10X20 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 12X20-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 12X20/BALL Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 12X28-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 8X18-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 12X36-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 8X26-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A100 - 8X32-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X18-30142-68 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X18-VT-B35 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X18-VT-B40 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X18-VTF-B35 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X18-VTF-B40 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X22-30142-68 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X22-VT-B35 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X22-VT-B40 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X22-VTF-B35 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1800 - 4X22-VTF-B40 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A300 - 12X20/BALL Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A300 - 12X36-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A300 - 12X20-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A300 - 12X28-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A300 - 8X18-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A300 - 8X26-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A300 - 8X32-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A101 - 12X20 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A101 - 12X28 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A101 - 12X36 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A101 - 8X18 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A101 - 8X26 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A101 - 8X32 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1801 - 4X18 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A1801 - 4X22 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A301 - 12X20 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A301 - 12X28 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A301 - 12X36 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A301 - 8X18 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A301 - 8X26 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A301 - 8X32 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A600 - 12X20 Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A600 - 12X20/BALL Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A600 - 12X28-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A600 - 12X36-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A600 - 8X18-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A600 - 8X26-VC Contact Manufacturer
Polylok, Inc. Polylok A600 - 8X32-VC Contact Manufacturer
Premier Tech 2000 ITEE Premier Tech EFT-080 Contact Manufacturer
Tuf-Tite, Inc. Tuf-Tite EF-4 Contact Manufacturer
Tuf-Tite, Inc. Tuf-Tite EF-6 Contact Manufacturer
Tuf-Tite, Inc. Tuf-Tite TB-4 Tee Baffle Contact Manufacturer
Tuf-Tite, Inc. Tuf-Tite TB-6 Tee Baffle Contact Manufacturer

Manufacturer Trade Name Model Number Capacity
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Alliance Alliance 500-P 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Alliance Alliance 500-PC 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Alliance Alliance 500 T, S 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Atlas Aire Atlas Aire 500 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Cajun Aire Basic Cajun Aire Basic 500 T, S 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Cajun Aire Basic Canjun Aire Basic 500-P 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Cajun Aire Basic Cajun Aire Basic 500-P/C 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Melmac Melmac 500 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Mo-DAD Mo-DAD-II, 500-C 500
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Tex-Aire Tex-Aire 500 500
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-500-M 500
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-500-500 PT 500
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-500-N-500 PT 500
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-500-750 PT 500
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-500-N-750 PT 500
AeroGreen AeroGreen 500AG 500
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS450-2 (formerly AS500-2) 500
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS450-3 (formerly AS500-3) 500
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS500-2 500
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS500-3 500
Aero-Tech Aero-Tech AT-500 500
Anua AeroCell ATS-SCAT-4-AC-C200 192
Anua AeroCell ATS-SCAT-6-AC-C300 318
Anua Puraflo P200C*2 400
Anua AeroCell ATS-SCAT-8-AC-C500 500
Anua AeroCell ATS-540-AC-N 500
Anua AeroCell ATS-NS500-AC-N 500
Anua BioCoir ATS-SCAT-4-BC-C200 192
Anua BioCoir ATS-SCAT-6-BC-C300 318
Anua BioCoir ATS-SCAT-8-BC-C500 500
Anua BioCoir ATS-540-BC-N 500
Anua BioCoir ATS-NS500-BC-N 500
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-4 400
Anua Puraflo P150N*3B 450
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-5 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK500S00C 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK500FF 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AKF5B1 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK5BESIDE1 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK5BESIDE2 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK5BESIDE3 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AKAI1458C 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear ALL-N-1 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK500C 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK500C3P 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK500F 500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK500FC 500
Aquapoint, Inc. Bioclere Bioclere Model 16/12/500 500
Bio-Microbics, Inc. Micro FAST Micro Fast 0.5 500
Bio-Microbics, Inc. BioBarrier BioBarrier MBR 0.5 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 DA 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 N 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 NC 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 NU 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 NC2 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 NC3-500 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 NC3-750 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 NCS 500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 500 NS 500
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Multi-Flo Multi-Flo FBT-0.5 500
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Nyadic Nyadic M-6A 500
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Nyadic Tank-N-Tank 500
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 25A 500
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 25T 500
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 35A 500
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 35T 500
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O 25A1 500
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O 35A1 520
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA500 - C 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA500-35, 3575, 4050, 4075 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA500T - C 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA500-32 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA500T-3 5 50 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 500 - 5+5, 5+5E, 4+75, 166 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 500 - F, C 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 500-PRE, 5PUMP, CU, P5CU 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS500L 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS500L-C 4+75 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-500 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-500 + 3 Duo 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-500 5 + 5 Trio EZ 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-500 5 + 75 Trio EZ 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-500C 500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-500C 5 + 6 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air NR M-500 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-500 LP 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-500 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air NR M-550 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-550 550
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-550 550
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater M-500 LP NuWater 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-500 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater 550-PC-400PT 550
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Enviro Flo Enviro Flo E-500 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Enviro Flo Enviro Flo E-500P 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Bio-Robix Bio-Robix B-500 500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Enviro Flo Enviro Flo E-550 550
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Bio-Robix Bio-Robix B-550 550
Fuji Clean USA CE CE5 500
Fuji Clean USA CE CEN5 500
Henry McGrew JetSpray JS-500 500
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-500A 500
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-500AN/AW/AS/AT/AND/ASD/ATD 500
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot LA-500 TPS 500
Hydro-Action Industries Hydro-Action AP-500 500
Hydro-Action Industries Hydro-Action Set-N-Go 500
Infiltrator Delta Enviro-Aire EA50 (also referenced as EA50-CA) 500
Infiltrator Delta Enviro-Aire EA52.5 (also referenced as EA52.6-IM1060) 525
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater DF 40 C, F, CC, CA, FF, FT, FFT 400
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater DF 50 C, F, CC, CA, CA3, FF, FT, FFT 500
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater DF 50A C, F, CC, CA, FF, FT, FFT 500
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Ecopod E50 500
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Ecopod E50-NX 475
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater UC 50 F, CA, CA3, FF 500
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater UC 50A CA, FF 500
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Treatment Systems) Whitewater E50-N 500
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Treatment Systems) Whitewater E50-NX 500
Jet, Inc. Jet J-500 500
Jet, Inc. Jet J-500PLT 500
Jet, Inc. Jet J-500-P500 500
Jet, Inc. Jet J-500-P750 500
National Wastewater Systems, Inc. Solar Air SA II 500 500
National Wastewater Systems, Inc. Solar Air SA II 500 FRP 500
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Green TNT-500 500
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960 - 500 GPD 500
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960 - 500 GPD / Effluent Pump Chamber 500
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960OP - 500 GPD 500
Orenco Systems, Inc. Orenco AdvanTex AX20N 500
Orenco Systems, Inc. Orenco AdvanTex AX20-RT 500
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 500 SL2 500
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 500 SLPT2 500
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 500 SLPT5 500
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems ProRite Flow-Rite 500 500
SeptiTech Starr Starr 0.5 500
SludgeHammer SludgeHammer S-400 400
TuffTiger TuffTiger T-500 500
TuffTiger TuffTiger T-558 500
Zoeller Pump Company Fusion Fusion ZF-450 450

Manufacturer Trade Name Model Number Capacity
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Melmac Melmac 600 600
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Tex-Aire Tex-Aire 600 600
Acuantia ECOROCK ECOROCK 600 600
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-600 C 600
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-600 M 600
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-600-500 PT 600
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-600-750 PT 600
AeroGreen AeroGreen 600AG 600
AeroGreen AeroGreen 600AG-10 600
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS600-2 (formerly AS650-2) 650
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS600-3 (formerly AS650-3) 650
Aero-Tech Aero-Tech AT 600 600
Anua AeroCell ATS-NS750-AC-N 660
Anua BioCoir ATS-NS750-BC-N 660
Anua Puraflo P150N*4B 600
Anua Purasys PS1-6 600
Anua Puraflo P200C*3 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK600S00C 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK600S00F3P 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK600S00P 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AKAI1365F 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK600S00F 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK365F 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK6B3C 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK6B3F 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK600FF 600
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK600FP5 600
AquaKlear, Inc. AquaKlear AKA600CA 600
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 600N 600
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 600NC 600
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 600NC2 600
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 600NC2T 600
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 600NC3 600
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 600NC3T 600
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 600NU 600
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Multi-Flo Multi-Flo FBT-0.6 600
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Multi-Flo Multi-Flo FBT-0.6-C 600
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Nyadic Nyadic M-8A 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA600 - C 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA600W4075 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 600 - 166 CU 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 600 - F, C 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600+4NR EZ Top 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600 5+5Trio NR 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600 5+75 Trio NR 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600 4+75-C NR 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600 +5 CP NR 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600L 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600L-C 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS600L EZ 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-600 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-600 + 3 Duo 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-600 5 + 5 Trio EZ 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-600 5 + 75 Trio EZ 600
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-600C 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air NR M-600 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-600 LP 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-600 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-600-P 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater M-600 LP NuWater 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-600 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Bio-Robix Bio-Robix 550-PC-400PT 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Enviro Flo Enviro Flo E-600 600
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Bio-Robix Bio-Robix B-600 600
E-Z Treat E-Z Treat #600 600
Henry McGrew JetSpray JS-600 600
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-600A 600
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-600AN/AT/AND 600
Hydro-Action Industries Hydro-Action AP-600 600
Infiltrator Delta Enviro-Aire EA60 (also referenced as EA60-CA) 600
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater DF 60 C, F, CC, CA, FF, FT, FFT 600
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater UC 60 CA, FF 600
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater E60-N 600
Jet, Inc. Jet J-600 600
National Wastewater Solar Air SA II-600 600
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Green TNT-500 (600) 600
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960 - 500 GPD 600
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960OP - 500 GPD 600
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-600 600
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-600ONE 600
PolyPure Systems PureWater C-650 650
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-650ONE 650
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 600 SL and 600 SLPT 600
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 600 SLPT 600
SludgeHammer SludgeHammer S-600 600
TuffTiger TuffTiger T-600 600
Zoeller Pump Compant Fusion Fusion ZF-600 600

Manufacturer Trade Name Model Number Capacity
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Alliance Alliance 750 T, S 750
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Atlas Aire Atlas Aire 750 750
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Cajun Aire Basic Cajun Aire Basic 750 T, S 750
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Melmac Melmac 750 750
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Tex-Aire Tex-Aire 750 750
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-750 750
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D750-C 750
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-840 840
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-840-C 840
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-890 890
AeroGreen AeroGreen 800AG 800
AeroGreen AeroGreen 800AG-10 800
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS750-2 (formerly AS750-2) 750
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS750-3 (formerly AS750-3) 750
Aero-Tech Aero-Tech AT-750 750
Anua AeroCell ATS-SCAT-86-AC-C750 750
Anua AeroCell ATS-1060-AC-N 800
Anua AeroCell ATS-NS1000-AC-N 800
Anua BioCoir ATS-SCAT-86-BC-C750 750
Anua BioCoir ATS-1060-BC-N 800
Anua BioCoir ATS-NS1000-BC-N 800
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-7 700
Anua Puraflo P150N*5B 750
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-8 800
Anua Puraflo P200C*4 800
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK750S00C 750
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK750F 750
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK750FF 750
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK800FF 800
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK800C 800
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK800F 800
Bio-Microbics, Inc. Micro FAST Micro Fast 0.75 750
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 750N 750
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 750NC 750
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 750NC2 750
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 800N 800
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 800NC 800
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 800NC2 800
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Multi-Flo Multi-Flo FBT-0.75 750
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Nyadic Nyadic M-1050A 800
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 275A 750
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 275T 750
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 375A 750
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 375A2 750
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 375T 750
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O 275A1 750
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O 375A1 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA750 - C 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA750T - C 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA750-4290 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA750T-50 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA800 - C 800
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA800-00110 800
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 750 - F, C 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS800L 800
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS800L-C 800
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS800L EZ 800
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-750 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-750C 750
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-800 800
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-800-C 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air NR M-800 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-800 LP 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-800 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-800-P 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater M-800 LP 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-800 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Enviro Flo Enviro Flo E-750 750
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Bio-Robix Bio-Robix B-750 750
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Bio-Robix Bio-Robix B-800 800
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-840 840
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-840 840
Fuji Clean USA CE CE7 700
Fuji Clean USA CE CEN7 700
Henry McGrew JetSpray JS-750 750
Henry McGrew JetSpray JS 840 840
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-750A 750
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-750AN/AW/AS/AH/AND 750
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot LA-850 850
Hydro-Action Industries Hydro-Action AP-750 750
Infiltrator Delta Enviro-Aire EA75 (also referenced as EA75-CA and EA75-IM1530, depending on the tank type) 750
Infiltrator Delta Enviro-Aire EA80-CA 800
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater UC 75 CA, FF 750
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater E75-N 750
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Treatment Systems) Whitewater UC 75 CA, FF 750
Jet, Inc. Jet J-750 750
Jet, Inc. Jet J-750PLT 750
Jet, Inc. Jet J-750-P750 750
Jet, Inc. Jet J-800 800
Jet, Inc. Jet J-800PLT 800
Jet, Inc. Jet J-800-P550 800
Jet, Inc. Jet J-800-P800 800
National Wastewater Systems, Inc. Solar Air SA II - 750 750
National Wastewater Systems, Inc. Solar Aerobic 800PT 800
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960 - 750 GPD 750
Orenco Systems, Inc. Orenco AdvanTex AX15-2N 800
Polypure Systems PureWater C-720 720
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-720ONE 720
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-720-4060 720
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-850 850
PolyPure Systems PureWater C-850 850
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 750 SL 750
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 750 SL2 750
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 750 PTSL 750
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Flow-Rite Flow-Rite 750 750
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 800 SL 800
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 800 PTSL 800
SeptiTech Starr Starr 0.75 750
TuffTiger TuffTiger T-750 750
Zoeller Pump Company Fusion Fusion ZF-800 800

Manufacturer Trade Name Model Number Capacity
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Alliance Alliance 1000 T, S 1000
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Atlas Aire Atlas Aire 1000 1000
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Cajun Aire Basic Cajun Aire Basic 1000 T, S 1000
Acquired Wastewater Technologies Tex-Aire Tex-Aire 1000 1000
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-1100 1100
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-1100C 1100
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS1000-2 (formerly AS1000-2) 1000
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS1000-3 (formerly AS1000-3) 1000
Aero-Tech Aero-Tech AT-1000 1000
Anua Aero-Cell ATS-SCAT-88-AC-C1000 1000
Anua BioCoir ATS-SCAT-88-BC-C1000 1000
Anua Puraflo P150N*6B 900
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-9 900
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-10 1000
Anua Puraflo P200C*5 1000
Anua Puraflo P150N*7B 1050
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-11 1100
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK1000S00C 1000
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK1000C 1000
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK1000F 1000
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK1000FF 1000
Bio-Microbics, Inc. Micro FAST Micro Fast 0.90 900
Bio-Microbics, Inc. BioBarrier BioBarrier MBR 1.0 1000
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1000DA 1000
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1000DAC 1000
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1000DACD 1000
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1000N 1000
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1000NC 1000
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1000NCD 1000
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Multi-Flo Multi-Flo FBT-1.0 1000
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Multi-Flo Multi-Flo FBT-1.0-C 1000
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Nyadic Nyadic M-1200A 1000
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 2100A 1000
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 2100T 1000
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 3100T 1000
Desoto Concrete Products, Inc. H-TWO-O H-TWO-O Series 3100A 1000
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA1000 - C 1000
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 1000 - F, C 1000
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS1100L 1100
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS1100L-C 1100
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS1100EZ 1100
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-1000 1000
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-1000C 1000
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air NR M-1000 1000
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Maxx Air M-1000 1000
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-1000 1000
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Enviro Flo Enviro Flo E-1000 1000
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Bio-Robix Bio-Robix B-1000 1000
Fuji Clean USA CE CE10 900
Fuji Clean USA CE CEN10 900
Fuji Clean USA CE CE14 1000
Henry McGrew JetSpray JS-1000 1000
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-900A 900
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-1000A 1000
Hoot Aerobic Systems, Inc. Hoot H-100AD/AN/AW/AND 1000
Hydro-Action Industries Hydro-Action AP-1000G 1000
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater UC 90 CA, FF 900
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater DF 100 C, F, CC, CA, FF 1000
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater DF 100A C, F, CC, CA, FF 1000
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater DF 100B C, F, CC, CA, FF 1000
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Environmental Products, Inc.) Whitewater UC 100A CA, FF 1000
Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. (formerly Delta Treatment Systems) Whitewater E100-N 1000
Jet, Inc. Jet J-1000 1000
National Wastewater Systems, Inc. Solar Air SA II - 1000 1000
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960 - 1000 GPD 1000
Norweco, Inc. Singulair Singulair 960OP - 1000 GPD 1000
Orenco Systems, Inc. Orenco AdvanTex AX20-2N 1000
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-960 960
PolyPure Systems PureWater C-960 960
PolyPure Systems PureWater C-1100 1100
PolyPure Systems PureWater P-1100 1100
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Pro Flo Pro Flo 1000S 1000
Pro Flo Aerobic Systems Flo-Rite Flow-Rite 1000 1000
SeptiTech Starr Starr 1.0 1000
TuffTiger TuffTiger T-1000 1000

Manufacturer Trade Name Model Number Capacity
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-1250 1250
Aeris Aerobics, Inc. Aeris Aerobics D-1500 1500
AeroGreen AeroGreen 1200AG 1200
AeroGreen AeroGreen 1500AG 1500
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS1500-2 (formerly AS1500-2) 1500
Aero-Stream Aero-Stream Eco-Nest AS1500-3 (formerly AS1500-3) 1500
Aero-Tech Aero-Tech AT-1500 1500
Anua AeroCell ATS-SCAT-886-AC-C1250 1250
Anua AeroCell ATS-SCAT-888-AC-C1500 1500
Anua AeroCell ATS-1530-AC-N 1500
Anua BioCoir ATS-SCAT-886-BC-C1250 1250
Anua BioCoir ATS-SCAT-888-BC-C1500 1500
Anua BioCoir ATS-1530-BC-N 1500
Anua Puraflo P150N*8B 1200
Anua Puraflo P200C*6 1200
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-12 1200
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-13 1300
Anua Puraflo P150N*9B 1350
Anua Puraflo P200C*7 1400
Anua Purasys SBR PS1-14 1400
Anua Puraflo P150N*10B 1500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK1500S00C 1500
AquaKlear AquaKlear AK1500FF 1500
Bio-Microbics, Inc. Micro FAST Micro Fast 1.5 1500
Bio-Microbics, Inc. BioBarrier BioBarrier MBR 1.5 1500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1200NCD 1200
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1200DACD 1200
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1200DA 1500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1200DAC 1500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1200DACD 1500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1500N 1500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1500NC 1500
Clearstream Wastewater Systems, Inc. Clearstream 1500NCD 1500
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Multi-Flo Multi-Flo FBT-1.5 1500
Consolidated Treatment Systems, Inc. Nyadic Nyadic M-2000A 1500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA1200-00160 1200
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA1200 - C 1200
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Aire AA1500 - C 1500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe AS 1500 F, C 1500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-1500 1500
Ecological Tanks, Inc. Aqua Safe O Series ASO-1500C 1500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. NuWater B-1500 1500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Enviro Flo EnviroFlo E-1500 1500
Enviro-Flo, Inc. Model Maxx