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Questions or Comments:

On-Site Sewage Facilities (Septic Systems): General Information

Includes details about licensing and pumping companies, how often OSSF rules change, subdivision development, and links to rules.

Should I pump my septic tank?

It is recommended that you pump your septic tank every three to five years to prevent short-circuiting of the treatment process. Access the online database to obtain a list of registered sludge transporters in your area.

How do I become a sludge hauler?

To become an authorized sludge hauler, please refer to our step by step guide.

How can I verify if someone is licensed as an installer?

Search the on-line database for installers in your area.

How can I verify if someone is registered as an apprentice?

Search the on-line database for registered apprentices.

Where can I view the statute that created the OSSF program?

Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 366 .

Where can I view the OSSF rules?

Title 30, Texas Administrative Code Chapter 285 .

Who else can I talk to?

The On-Site Sewage Facilities Contacts can help you.