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Benchmark Monitoring Data Analyses under the Multi-Sector General Permit

Benchmark monitoring analyses submission deadline is March 31 of each calendar year.

Benchmark Monitoring Analysis Submission Deadline

Benchmark monitoring analysis submission deadline is March 31 of each calendar year. Effective August 14, 2021, the MSGP requires permittees to submit all analytical results for determining compliance with effluent limitations and benchmark monitoring electronically using the online NetDMR reporting system.

*Note that not all sectors are required to conduct benchmark monitoring. Those sectors which are required to conduct benchmark monitoring are listed in Part IV of the (MSGP) ( TXR050000) for stormwater discharges from certain industrial activities. Please refer to Parts IV and V of the MSGP to determine your specific requirements.

What am I supposed to submit?

For those sectors required to conduct benchmark monitoring under the MSGP:

  • Semi-annual sampling must be conducted at least once during the first full monitoring period (January through June or July through December) following permit issuance, and then once during each monitoring period for the term of the general permit.
  • Results of analyses for sampling shall be submitted to the TCEQ before March 31st of each year.
  • Samples should be collected from internal or external outfalls where BMPs are installed.
  • The reported values shall be the average yearly result of analysis for each specific pollutant discharged under a specific Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code or industrial activity code.

Contact us if you have questions.